If the Dems did their usual maneuver and gave the GOP everything they wanted they’d just make up new demands. The real goal is to kneecap Ukrainian aid.
What exactly is the disagreement about immigration? The Republican demands to literally build a wall are, of course, a non-starter for political reasons, but aside from that isn’t there bipartisan agreement that the current situation is unsustainable? Here in New York, Democratic state and city officials are asking for something to be done.
The GOP demands are a closed border. They want to heavily curtail legal entrances, not just illegal ones. Its not a legitamte stance to negotiate on.
It’s literally an albatross meant to kill aid to Ukraine, that they can make political hay with. They want to gin up their base and keep getting donations from putin, that’s it.
This is the part that gives me pause. Democrats and other analagous Liberal-named parties are purposelly engaging in what I would characterize as a vastly irresponsible and unsustainable Social Murder policy that is forcing everyone who’s not already wealthy to the brink economically to satisfy their Century Initiative bullshit.
Immigration needs to be predicated on a proportional increase in housing and also beefing up the medical system and ensuring it is not doing harm economically to those who are currently and otherwise being displaced in every possible sense. Doesn’t seem like any of those things are being considered, just blind cancerous growth and as always, the wealthy get to kill or maim through economic and social policy levers