Linkedin is getting pretty spammy lately. Is there any equivalent platform (mature or otherwise) that is a clone/competitor/etc…? I really dont want to get premium just to message people. Image is the post, on Linkedin, someone who I agree with.
Imagine using LinkedIn in 2024. 🤣
What are you using instead?
So, like, inherent to your question is an assumption that LinkedIn is for “something”, as in, it fulfills some need.
And I’m just not quite sure that it does. Tbh, if I am hiring and I find out you are one of “those” people who are chronically on LinkedIn, I would seriously considering not hiring you, precisely because of that.
Its not clear to me what, if any, role linked in fills beyond keeping a roladex of people I’ve worked with but would never want to connect with otherwise. Even then I only keep a profile because of the assumption that I should. Its not clear to me thats a good assumption, because I still don’t see what need I have that LinkedIn is filling that a list of names and e-mails couldn’t also fill.
I think sane people likely only use LinkedIn as a pseudo-resume, and for the job search feature.
For better or worse, I’d say 95% of the application forms in my industry ask if you have a profile. And the job search feature is amazing for quickly perusing reqs you might be interested in and compiling application data, to try to give yourself an edge.
The “social” (used very loosely) portion I have no personal interest in, and find it to be populated mostly by grindpilled narcissists.
grindpilled narcissists.
Thats a great term, but I think we need a term for the perputally-on-linkedIn “influencer” types.
Case in point:
Just post your resume here.