• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    There was a post just the other day about how the State Departments intelligence department was the best ever and it’s always right and never does anything that’s ever wrong, just compiles these reports…

    But this bit is clearly wrong by now:

    The NSM-20 report found that it was “reasonable to assess” that Israel had used US weapons in a way that was “inconsistent” with international humanitarian law, but that there was not enough concrete evidence to link specific US-supplied weapons to violations.

    The recent bombing of a refugee camp in Raffah has been confirmed to have been committed with US supplied munitions.

    So even if Biden’s admin wants to try and say it was true back then, there’s no indisputable evidence of it, and motherfuckers are still not doing anything.

    I’m not holding my breath for them to do the right thing, but at this point the only thing I’m holding is my vote for Biden.

    I wish it hasn’t come to this, but moderates have shown time and time again that they’re not willing to engage in civilized conversation about what voters want.

    But goddamn do they respond quickly to demands. We have to start negotiating with them by whatever means they listen to, and Biden only responds to demands and threats. He’s even responding to recent protests like trump did to BLM protests.

    I just hope Biden wants to beat Trump more than he doesn’t want to at least pause the genocide till the election is over.