you can visit the entire country on the subway or a short grab ride.
owning registering, parking, repairing and fueling a car is a completely unnecessary living cost, not to mention much much more expensive than the US or Europe.
you can visit the entire country on the subway or a short grab ride.
owning registering, parking, repairing and fueling a car is a completely unnecessary living cost, not to mention much much more expensive than the US or Europe.
what a lot of people can’t understand is that a car I’m singapore is a ball and chain. it’s not freedom by any stretch of the imagine there.
it’s a status symbol or a job requirement.
I have to assume that openAI also paid for the books. if yes then i consider it the same as me reciting passages from memory or coming up with derivative text.
if no, then by all means, go after them and any model trainer for the cost of one book.
Asking an LLM to recite an entire novel isn’t even vaguely a thing yet.
I didnt like friendlyjordies brand of humor. not one bit.
when he started going after that dog cunt broz I couldn’t help myself. I had to watch.
by now I love him, he’s become a hero of what free speech (such that it) is in Australia. served with a massive dose of sarcasm and ridicule.
I’ll keeping giving him money and watching his shit while he keeps going there and calling out all the bullshit that goes on in australian government.
shrooms can be a bit of a dice room on visuals.
once boiled up half a shopping bag of shrooms and split the tea with one friend.
There were infinite moments where the fabric of space time twisted up into the cosmos believably revealing to me a path into the heavens. I had to control my breathing otherwise the torrent of everyday objects flowing past me would move too quickly for me to get enough traction.
I once had three tiny died shrooms, and a bong hit disconnected my soul from my body and transferring me into an ancient dog sleeping in the sun on a wide open field in the wilderness. the entire thing seemed to go for eons but collapsed back into my living room in and instant when some rang the doorbell.
Then I’ve had shrooms where the trip was extremely profound and emotional but the only visual was the leaves of the trees just looked a bit brighter and more flappy in wind or some swirly clouds of colors bouncing around my hifi speakers.