The Orion browser is the goat!
Cool. Although, I will keep at my combo; local searxng container + firedragon.
An article about Kagi’s leadership, uncontroversially titled [Why I lost faith in Kagi]. If anyone has updates to add here, I appreciate it.
Come on… this comes up every time Kagi gets mentioned anywhere. Someone is personally hurt by the CEO and is now in a crusade to spread bad karma about them.
As a product I really enjoyed Kagi for years and would still be my preferred search engine if I wasn’t switching away from US products and services. I am now using Qwant but honestly imo Kagi is pretty good and worth the money
I don’t see how your comment responds in any way to the criticism presented.
this comes up every time Kagi gets mentioned anywhere.
Because it’s relevant. Should I never share it because you’ve already seen it? What about those who haven’t? I haven’t seen Kagi properly address these issues. So I asked about newer developments I might’ve missed. No one volunteered any yet.
Someone is personally hurt by the CEO and is now in a crusade to spread bad karma about them.
The author clearly explains how they arrived at their stance, and it wasn’t just “hurt feelings.” I’m not claiming this was what you intended, but it feels like you’re trying to dramatize and downplay the issues rather than address them.
I also don’t see the crusade thing. They wrote down their thoughts, then others found and shared them. They’re not the ones posting in ycombinator, or here. It’s people like me, unaffiliated with them. We just think more people should know.
You finished saying you liked Kagi and think it’s good. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I don’t see how it helps here, either. I used Kagi for a short while and liked having more control over results, but… the issues remain. It’s beside the point.
The long and short of it is, Vlad wanted to get me on a call to discuss what he felt were “misunderstandings” in my post. I declined. He pressed a bit with more argument, I explicitly spelled out that I did not want to hear from him again. His response to “stop emailing me” was to write me a big essay arguing with my post (kind of, I’ll discuss this more). I sent one more reply reiterating for him to stop emailing me, and that was it.
This to me more sounds like I have made up my mind to not like this guy or his product and nothing will change this. This is personal and even most of the issues being discussed are nit pickings at details and fights on being right or wrong on things that really don’t matter
This to me more sounds like I have made up my mind to not like this guy or his product and nothing will change this.
That’s a really unfair reading of the situation. People aren’t obligated to listen to us and change their minds. As long as they’re willing, sure, do your best, but no means no. Vlad seemingly doesn’t understand no. That’s not good, and added to his previous insights, I can understand why the author wouldn’t want to enter a call with a such a person.
most of the issues being discussed are nit pickings at details and fights on being right or wrong on things that really don’t matter
It might help if you elaborate, but right now I can’t agree. For example, Vlad’s views on privacy and biases are kind of wild (no suicide hotlines numbers because they’re biased but also put LLMs everywhere) and that matters if you’re going to use his product to search information online (and possibly his e-mail service as well).
Tbh Ladybird is way more interesting. This is just another Webkit based Browser
While the software is exciting, I’m not exactly keen due to the controversy
I don’t keep up on browser drama. What’s the controversy?
Interesting because of the pronoun drama or for some other reason?
Probably because they’re building their own engine from scratch. Many of the popular browsers these days are built on Chromium or Webkit. The only “big” alternative these days is Gecko, which is what Firefox uses.
This matters because Chromium based browsers make up the vast majority of usage and Google has been using Chromium to drive web standards in the direction they think they should go.
Wikipedia has an overview, but doesn’t really cover Chromium’s market capture.
Okay, and? It’s a proprietary browser for a company sponsoring paid search using a Russian engine. I’m quite happy to avoid.
Are you talking about Yandax? They announced that they’re getting out of Russia.
I do wonder why they’re not building on top of an open source engine or making their own engine open. We absolutely need an alternative to Chromium. It’s sad that this likely won’t be it.
Doesn’t it use WebKit?
That’s the most propagandist way you could have possibly said that
Nvm it’s proprietary
It will be open source in the future.
When that happens I will be excited:) I’d be excited for WebKit to get more love
And… that was the joy for 3 seconds.
Any word on Windows? Despite the discourse around Kagi using Yandex, they did advise me that they are still building thier own indexes that are planned to eventually replace thirds party ones.
I’m still not a huge fan of the overuse of AI, but I do think Kagi is on the right track in a lot of other areas.
edit: I’m in the Linux community… Ignore the first sentence 😅
So, duckduckgo also uses Yandex, right? I know Bing as their premier, but all these search engines use more than one source. I haven’t been able to see where any of them provide their entire list of sources. DDG and Kagi both previously listed Yandex and have since quietly disappeared their mention from their informational pages
What “overuse of AI” are you referring to?
Maybe “overuse” isn’t the right word. “Over-investment” maybe.
I think the Universal Summarizer and Quick Answer are okay but the Assistant just doesn’t do it for me. No one is forcing me to use it or pay for it however and I don’t run the company, so it’s a moot point…
They’ve reiterated that AI is central to their mission, I just don’t find the LLM interfacing very compelling personally.
Probably that engines are putting Ai in the forefront of searches lately
Kagi doesn’t do that. It doesn’t even show you an AI response unless you specifically request it.
I wish there was a cheaper plan that didn’t involve AI at all. Like, I don’t care to have X prompts every month. I’d like to pay just for the engine.
You do not pay anything different for AI prompts. You should really actually try the product before you make up all these things about it.
You do not pay anything different for AI prompts. You should really actually try the product before you make up all these things about it.
But what you pay involve the calculated cost of using their AI, otherwise they’d be losing money. So it should be possible to have a lower price that didn’t give you any prompts.
The other poster is right… The base plans don’t contain any amount of “prompts” and are very reasonable /affordable.