It’s pretty funny that the expectation on any man who picks up a guitar these days is not that he has a decent voice to go with, it’s that his political ideology is “correct” and cohesive and that he makes sure to convey the entire thing in a 4 minute song.
The people getting their knickers in twist over this song are lost.
They’re dogwhistles. The parts about “the obese milkin welfare” and “taxes not ought to pay for your bags of fudge rounds.” Literally just Reagan era welfare queen rhetoric. If you don’t recognize those as racist dogwhistles you’ve been living under a rock for at least 40 years.
But even if you don’t see the dogwhistles I hope you can understand how the song is punching down on poor people
He’s literally singing about being part of a downtrodden underclass, but you and your juvenile half-formed political ideology make it all seem so simple. White skin = oppressor, right?
It’s pretty funny that the expectation on any man who picks up a guitar these days is not that he has a decent voice to go with, it’s that his political ideology is “correct” and cohesive and that he makes sure to convey the entire thing in a 4 minute song.
The people getting their knickers in twist over this song are lost.
“Why don’t people want to listen to my racist song?”
Also the song sucks
Number 1 on Apple Music US and Global top 100 charts, but yeah - your opinion is the correct one, it’s everyone else that is wrong.
I think racism is wrong. Don’t you?
Sure. Exactly which part of “Rich men North of Richmond” did you find racist?
They’re dogwhistles. The parts about “the obese milkin welfare” and “taxes not ought to pay for your bags of fudge rounds.” Literally just Reagan era welfare queen rhetoric. If you don’t recognize those as racist dogwhistles you’ve been living under a rock for at least 40 years.
But even if you don’t see the dogwhistles I hope you can understand how the song is punching down on poor people
It’s punching down on fat, lazy people, and I’m ok with that.
Libs and wearing bigotry like a badge of honor, name a more iconic duo
Hahahaha so then don’t act like you don’t understand how it’s racist. The racism is what you like about it!
Are you saying that only people of colour can be fat and lazy? That’s fucked up.
Unlike you, with dad’s boat dealership and the hard work you’ve done minding your manners and doing chores so you get the boat dealership someday!
He’s literally singing about being part of a downtrodden underclass, but you and your juvenile half-formed political ideology make it all seem so simple. White skin = oppressor, right?
Oh so you’re a chud!