Tensions are flaring on the East Side, with dueling rallies over the war in Israel.

Pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian supporters gathered outside the Israel consulate starting at 2 p.m. Monday.

There were passionate pleas from both sides, speaking to New Yorkers who have relatives in both Israel and the Palestinian territories.

The NYPD stepped up security to make sure things didn’t get out of hand.

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Never protesting the root cause, the sheer ridiculous stupidity of taking organized religion taken seriously as a societal pillar.

    People dying by the thousands over who’s version of Winnie the Pooh has a bigger imaginary dick.

    Entire governments and nations existing, defending, and killing not for the sake of their version of winnie the pooh’s imaginary dick being the biggest, its always about power and money, but using their insistence that their Winnie the Pooh has the biggest dick as their top level rationale to deny rights, to deny votes, to deny personhood, to imprison, to kill in droves.

    Actual children dying so adults can keep honoring the imaginary friend they refuse to outgrow. Madness. If someone wants to pray to a block of wood, I don’t care. Making that personal ritual someone else’s problem is when it becomes a problem.