I understand opposition to the Israeli government’s activities in the West Bank and Gaza. Obviously that government should be targeted by BDS. Businesses also seem fair game. But what about individuals? For example, if an artist posts periodically online, should they also be subject to boycott?
I appreciate that you have a different position here. But I’m simply not interested in anything a Zionist has to say at this point.
Then you can still engage. I’m not a Zionist. And you can tell that clearly from my arguments.
But I get it. History is complex, particularly in that region. It’s simpler to stick to an oversimplified ideological version of it. Never having to adjust a view just feels safer.
There’s nothing simple about that situation. But since Rabin was assassinated, there’s been a clear right and wrong. Particularly with the rise of Netanyahu, Israel is wrong.
And now this conversation really has run its course. Have a nice life.
The side you defend as being clearly in the right has quite a list of war crimes, including genocide, on their table. At least according to the Genocide Convention and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which you also so gladly refer to, at least when it comes to blaming Israel. Here’s why: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4lrsDRg3HbJqoAf0BlAe7BHJuzpQB_Le27Iureq9vpCoBkw/viewform?pli=1
Double Standards is another marker of antisemitic statements, according to the 3D rule.
Friend, you need to practice your English more. I never said Hamas is right. It’s entirely possible for both sides to be wrong.
And now, since you seem incapable of taking a hint, you’re blocked.