• ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    11 months ago

    Last I was able to find all gun crime regardless of injury was about 80,000 a year which is still less than 100,000.

    Because it has other problems.

    Because everytown and MDA are “activists,” not actually experts.

    I have a 1.5 sec draw to first shot and know how to move laterally, and defend against the knife weak hand while the strong hand shoots from a thumb pectoral index. You’re the one who can’t figure out how legs work lol.

    Surreptitious draw. Never draw on a drawn gun, wait until his attention is elsewhere like the all too common furvative glances checking for witnesses and exits. If you have a sub 2 sec draw he has to show you his shoulder, sub 1sec draw he only has to show you his ear, and with that you can jump his reactionary gap (human brain, bout .5sec from decision to action) if you’re waiting for your proverbial beep.

    Because the shooters choose gun free zones where armed defense is illegal and therefore more rare. It does happen though.

    Yeah nothing is certain ever, preperation helps one be prepared. Duh. Still better chance than “please no I’ll suck ya dick just don’t kill me”

    Ok, do the math on the rest of it then: still less, so gun crime affects “pretty much no one” too.

    Lmao I can’t help but insult you when you give me such good ammo, it’s just too easy. “Lose my temper” though, no, I’m laughing at you. The caps is because maybe you’ll be able to actually read it, because so far you’re struggling.