• shalafi@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Because all of these people are not facing true suffering. They know where their next meal is coming from, they got a roof and bombs aren’t incoming. We’ll put up with anything as long it doesn’t involve facing a missed meal, no shelter or no enemy to fight to get the other two.

    Ask yourself; If I threw your ass out in the woods, butt naked, what would your priority be? Shelter probably, depending on your environment. Next, food. Starve the staunchest vegan for 72-hours and they’ll be scheming on how to trap, kill and eat raw squirrel. LOL, bet a bunch of us would quickly reinvent the bow-and-sting fire starter!

    I got 2.5 acres of mostly swamp in NW FL. Rarely freezes too hard, fair bit of forage and game, still, very thin on both counts. I have plenty of small caliber guns, shotguns and camping gear, all on site right now. I’m no Navy SEAL, but I could maybe get by out there? For a minute? (And that’s with a load of simple infrastructure and tools in place!)

    How about the rest of you? How long until you riot in the streets for lack of food security? Even given my extremely favorable circumstances, I ain’t got a 2-weeks until I go full-on nuts. 6-weeks and you’re looking like steak.

    tl;dr We’re collectively fine with being slowly boiled alive, as long as we have a roof and a chicken in the pot.