• Olhonestjim@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Look, I never said there was nothing to like about TX, or that everyone is awful. I don’t get jobs in Austin, or any of the major cities really. Guadalupe Mountains National Park is lovely and Big Bend is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen.

    But you know what I don’t like? Knowing full well that the instant I go mask off, and the small town locals realize I’m a gender-nonconforming, socialist, atheist, antifascist, all that fake friendliness might disappear, and I could soon need to defend myself against multiple people. Fortunately I blend well, but I was nearly assaulted down there just for wearing a mask during the height of COVID. I’m not much of a fighter. Maybe in cities I’d be ok. Maybe. I do not feel safe just being myself in most places, but especially not TX. Sure, there are lots of belligerent assholes in small towns across the country. I’ve been all over, but Texans go hard about it.