• HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    There was over Iran,

    Uh. When did we go to war with Iran again? Are you taking about when the shah was deposed, or the hostage crisis in the late 70s? I’m not sure that this is really relevant here.

    As I remember, there wasn’t much demonstration over Afghanistan.

    You remember incorrectly. A strong majority believed it was justified. A minority recognized that it was a disproportionate response, and would do more harm than good. I, for one, strongly remember talking to a coworker and saying that we were going to end up killing tens of thousands of uninvolved non-combatants–civilian women and children–because Al Quaeda killed 5,000 Americans. Not only was I right, but bin Laden wasn’t even in Afghanistan when we invaded.

    I look for alternatives that don’t seem to be there.

    Then you aren’t looking very hard, are you? The alternative has been there since 1947, but Israel won’t accept any solution that doesn’t give them the entirety of their god-promised Zion.