• TechyDad@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    The problem with taking an even-handed position is that you get attacked by both sides. I’ve said that both the Israelis and Palestinians deserve the right to live in peace. The entire situation in the Middle East is a Gordian Knot of generational trauma, bloodshed begetting bloodshed, wrongdoings on both sides, and foreign entities egging it on for their own aims. Besides a generic “get rid of Hamas and Netenyahu,” I don’t have any solutions.

    However, saying even that can get you attacked. On one side, I’ll be told “the Palestinians are animals and the Israelis need to just wipe them out.” On the other side, I’ll be told “the Israelis are colonizers and the entire country of Israel should be given to the Palestinians with all Jews kicked out.” Both sides will criticize me for not being entirely on their side and for calling out their hatred.

    About the only thing that both sides agree on is that my even-handed approach in recognizing the complexity of the situation is wrong and that it’s a simple Good Versus Evil situation. In the past, I’ve tried arguing with people, but it just gets tiring and they don’t change their minds.