• FinalBoy1975@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s like, when you install arch, you just feel like not bothering with installing the gui stuff, because you’re so above pointing and clicking on things. If only they’d make a command line version of Metro Exodus. Metro Exodus on the command line would be so much more powerful. It’s so lame with graphics. Don’t get me started on editing my photos of the kids and fam. Just load that pic up on the command line as raw data. I’ll just eliminate the red eye reading the machine code and editing it. GUIs are for weaklings. Just install arch without X or gnome or any of that stuff. Don’t even get me started on the KDE wussies. Oh yeah, you want things to look all pretty on your screen to click on. Computers aren’t pretty. They take commands. All you need are fingers and a keyboard. You can play tetris on the terminal, you know. No need for graphics. The linux devs just added graphics and a GUI for wussy users. Even invented that penguin thing to make it pretty and dumbed down.