Note I did not buy any food for myself.
To head off questions:
No, I couldn’t cook for her. I’m suffering from a long-term illness where I can’t eat solid foods and am extremely smell sensitive. My wife is at a funeral, so I had to order food.
She’s extremely picky and refused to let me order anything but pizza.
We live outside of town, in a not very big town, with very few pizza delivery options, and they’re all at least this expensive.
No, I didn’t also have to buy her the cheesy bread or the second topping or the sauces, but it’s nice to get my daughter a treat and that is no excuse for the order being that expensive.
We’re in Indiana, so this should be ludicrous in terms of pricing. This used to be the pricing I would expect when we lived in L.A. and ordered from a good local place rather than a chain.
Edit: Turns out what I should have been infuriated about is people repeatedly telling me to get takeout and having to repeatedly explain why that wasn’t an option, having people not believe I’m sick, and being repeatedly berated for not magically knowing food coupons exist on the internet when I never order food on the internet. Oh right, and also being a bad parent for not forcing food my daughter doesn’t like down her throat or starving her if she won’t eat it.
By the way, I have another thing to be infuriated about. A huge storm came in and this happened to our trees. I assume I will start being berated for not cutting them down before that happened, but because I have no power or internet at home and have to go to the library to post, your further posts telling me what an idiot I am and how I’m an awful parent and how I’m not really sick will take me a while to read. Sorry to ruin your day. Maybe you’ll find someone else to treat like shit.
Anyway, have fun telling me I’m the worst person on Lemmy, just don’t expect a quick reply.
Oh, and do tell me how stupid I am for not knowing that people who clear up and fix such damage have coupons on their website.
I guess the best option is frozen food?
I felt bad reading this. Fast food is way too expensive here in 2024. And then you had to write an essay justifying yourself because of all the pedantic jerks who love to pounce on the smallest of things.
And someone already didn’t apparently read it since they told me I should have picked it up myself.
If you want to get a fair price at Dominos, you have to play their game. At least look through the website for special offers on pizza, because the “menu prices” are 2.5x higher than the average price a person pays. After that, if you still want a lower price, search the Internet for coupons (although that doesn’t work as well nowadays since they use account-locked rewards systems instead of coupons).
Even if you play the game, it will still be more expensive than you remember, due to massive inflation.
I don’t go to Dominos any more due to repeated bad customer service, their website malfunctioning in a lot of ways, and the last time I visited the store it smelled strongly like ammonia.
Wow. That’s some bullshit, but I’ll remember that if I have to do this again.
I used to work at a Dominos, and their side items have been ludicrously priced for a good while. There’s usually a “coupon” in their app with a substantial discount on pizza, it’s the only way I’d order from them.
Never order dominos without coupons. It’s exponentially more expensive than anything you can get with a coupon.
Dominos largest profit margins are on orders exactly like this. It’s often more economical to order more food at a cheaper price.
I just looked on the coupons page on their website. None of the coupons would have applied.
You’re never going to find exactly what you want, but the 5.99 deal for a medium 2 topping also applies to the cheesy bread you ordered, bringing the total down significantly.
You fucked up by not using the coupons
Edit: sorry not trying to blame you, you wouldn’t know they do it this way, but they have extra high prices with really good coupons that are always active and can be used over and over. The best is the mix and match for $6.99.
I’m not downloading an app just to buy a pizza. I have 10 local pizza joints in my town of 17,000 people. Stop buying from national chains.
You don’t need the app, you can use the coupon via the web site.
What’s mildly infuriating here is OP… People are trying to explain how you could have saved almost 1/3 of your purchase price and you just argue with them and keep shouting from your soapbox.
Unfortunately, price shopping is a part of every transaction if you are trying to get the best deal. If you aren’t invested enough to read the largest banner on the shop website to save almost 1/3 of your total, then getting the best price was clearly not a concern when you ordered. Yes, you are expected to do that yourself, just like buying anything else in the commerce system we have been using for decades. It’s real boomer/privileged energy expecting that to just be done for you.
Because I wasn’t trying to get the best deal, I just wanted some damn pizza and, as I have already said, why can’t Domino’s just charge that price? Why is a coupon needed? Please explain to me why that should be necessary rather than Domino’s just charging the lower price, since they obviously can afford to?
It’s real boomer/privileged energy expecting that to just be done for you.
I never asked anyone to do it for me. So I didn’t expect anything.
Is it privileged to have people do it for you when you never asked them to?
Because I wasn’t trying to get the best deal
then why are you mad that you didn’t get the best deal?
Why would you need to defend yourself for ordering a pizza and being shocked by the high price? Sometimes I think I’ve gotten too old for the internet. People should be allowed to order a pizza every once in a while and not have to formulate a 5 point list of the reasons why it’s okay for them to order pizza.
A whole bunch of people have come in to tell me why I should have done things that I already said I wouldn’t be able to do based on those five points, so I suppose you could argue that it wasn’t worth giving them, although I have a feeling even more people would have said “just get takeout” or whatever. Someone even now is telling me to get takeout just put the pizza in a Ziplock.
Pizza is takeout… If they mean picking it up instead of delivery, well yes, you should have.
Again- I am extremely smell sensitive.
I go into the pizza place, I heave.
I carry the pizza to the car, I heave.
I drive with the pizza in the car, I have to keep pulling over to heave.
Why do any of you find that reasonable? Would you want to do that just to give someone a pizza?
Just ignore the trolls, they have meaningless little lives and nothing better to do than try and make a random person online feel like shit so the trolls can feel like their existence matters in any significant way. Which sucks, as they could probably better focus that time constructively, but instead…this.
Thank you.
Have you seen the responses here? Paints a picture on why they felt the need to defend themselves.
Kinda shitty that Dominos has it set up so that tip is calculated on top of the delivery and service fees. Tipping on the value of food, I understand. Tipping on the cost of those other fees is double dipping and bad faith in my opinion.
Seriously, “y’all charged me a service fee to deliver my food? Cool! Let me tip you for that!”
Having done time in the service industry, I have no problem tipping where it’s warranted, but you’re tipping the Dominos corporation for their fuckery at that point, not the driver
That’s like 50% of all tip calculations nowadays. It’s really obnoxious and feels like it’s trying to make you feel guilty for tipping an appropriate amount, but taxes and service charges aren’t part of the service.
You’re using Domino’s wrong. You have to use the 2+ two topping medium pizza coupon for $6.99 each. They have it plastered on the website and the app.
I will say it again- that is a waste of food. I am not going to eat it, my daughter doesn’t like cold or reheated pizza and it’s not like I’m going to shove it down her throat.
I am not going to waste food to get a better deal.
And I will also say this again- why should I use a coupon if Domino’s can afford to charge less anyway? They should just charge less.
Edit: You all keep downvoting me without telling me why Domino’s shouldn’t just charge less when they can afford to.
You are the parent of your daughter… yet she dictates to you what she eats?
There’s your problem to begin with. You know what happened when I refused to eat what my mother made? Dealt with it… by not eating anything.
Yeah yeah here comes the downvotes from non-parents and parents who don’t know how to parent.
Also, thanks Biden. The economy is doing GRRRRRREAAT!