Not since January 20th.
Not since January 20th.
I honestly don’t know which is worse.
I hadn’t read that before. That’s great, I love it!
Don’t be ridiculous!
I felt the same way when I got a smartwatch! And then I thought, “my god I’m old.”
Dear god, I missed that one. I’ll just add it to the pile.
Edit: Holy shit. https://newrepublic.com/article/191367/trump-treasury-default-bond-market
Considering he has a reputation of being an extremely petty person, that wouldn’t shock me. But it also wouldn’t shock me if he thought everyone loved Dick Tracy because he’s Warren Beatty and what Warren Beatty loves, everyone loves. It’s just that those bastard producers just don’t get it that every kid in America is glued to their newspaper every morning reading the adventures of Dick Tracy.
I wouldn’t be so sure he does. There’s a good reason a lot of people suspect Carly Simon’s You’re So Vain was written about him.
The inner core is usually thought to be shaped like a ball, but its edges may actually have deformed by 100m or more in height in places, according to Prof John Vidale who led the research.
For reference, this is like talking about the height change on a billiard ball after the addition of an amoeba. Except not anywhere near as big as an amoeba.
Yes, giving up because it’s hard and people are meanies and just endlessly arguing about an election that ended months ago is what you and others have decided is the plan on Lemmy. I have already noted it.
I can see you will not be rising to that challenge to email anyone.
I think he just has a weird “dress up like Dick Tracy” kink.
Are you sure? There’s so much…
Let’s not sink to their level and deny rape just because they do. Yes she’s a hypocrite and a horrible person. That doesn’t mean we need to pretend she wasn’t raped even if she would be that way about other women.
Yep, it’s super weird. No one gives a shit about Dick Tracy anymore. And I even liked the Dick Tracy movie. Also, even if they did, no one is going to want to see an 87-year-old Dick Tracy.
Absolutely. What we didn’t need to do was pay those people shit wages while they got harassed by people angry about having to wear a mask. But it’s okay, because signs were put up in front of supermarkets and hospitals calling them heroes and now there will be a memorial to them shaped like the thing that killed them since they were killed doing a necessary job that paid them fuck all.
That’s horrible! I’m so sorry to hear that! I feel bad enough for the elderly women I see going up the stairs, but at least they can get to their flat!
Since when is an immediate gain of 8 points in approval an “only?”
And you need to decide if Kennedy’s assassination was a factor in his approval or not. Because now it’s both.
I am willing to believe her that it happened to her and I’m sorry about that.
I am not willing to believe that she would not be okay with it happening to other people considering she supports a rapist president.
It’s not bluff when he actually does it. He did it last time, he just backed down afterward. But it wasn’t like there was zero damage. And he hasn’t backed down on other tariffs yet.
Even Disney knows no one gives a shit about Dick Tracy.