Its rhetorical. You take him to the beach!

    8 months ago

    Irate younger men would approach semi-regularly, especially after evening prayers, eyes burning, and tell us that George Bush is a dog. Yemen was severely punished by George Sr. for holding the position that Arab nations should not intervene in the business between Iraq and Kuwait during the first Gulf War and even more severely punished by Kuwait and her neighbors as thousands of working Yemenis were expelled without warning.

    After spending a few years growing up in a major surf community any of us would have replied “ya bro totes agree, fuck all of the George Bushes”.

    Most people in the surf and skate scene are definitely not into Right wing shitheads, yet somehow after Trump most of what used to be that surf community is MAGA AF, it’s sad and super shitty, but most of the surfers seem to have disappeared after Kelly Slater grew up and left the area to become the most well known surfer in the world, but the years catching waves with him and the others will always be cherished memories.

      8 months ago

      The same thing happened to Huntington Beach California. It used to be a chill little surf town. It was even called Surf City. Now it’s an over-commercialized conservative area full of trumpers and skinheads. I don’t understand how an area can change so drastically within a couple of decades.