My experience on this platform has been mixed so far but one thing I’ve noticed the most is a significant contingent of the user base is really reactionary in their discourse.

This is a very typical exchange I have here :

User: I don’t like this color because it’s red.

Me: I don’t know, looks more like purple to me. What about red is bad?

User: Why don’t you fuck yourself in the face you fucking cuntfuck!

Me: OK…

Like, what gives? I don’t have this experience on other platforms. I have arguments but never this shutdown meccanism.

    3 months ago

    If you take antagonistic positions and argue with folks you’re going to get responses like that. You probably have anywhere from 50 to 1500 people read that response and the chances of your words being the straw that broke any one of their backs is fairly decent.

    We all have bad days. I block a fair number of people on here for being antagonistic pricks - even if they do so couched under the veil of reasonableness - because that isn’t why I come here. But other people choose violence. And I can understand.

      3 months ago

      While this is undeniably good advice, it doesn’t address the core issue IMO.

      Yes, Lemmy users are unusually hard to deal with. It’s roughly equivalent to Discord in terms of angry userbase, maybe a bit worse - even Reddit seems pretty level headed in comparison.