Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he was considering changing or open to changing or may change the filibuster rules next year to pass a federal Roe law, enshrining national abortion rights. Schumer said that he would pass two voting rights laws under a filibuster exception. On abortion he said, “I have to discuss that with my caucus. This is one of the issues we would have to debate and discuss and evolve.”

    22 days ago

    Are any other Dems going to say they oppose it? We don’t know yet. Because Schumer wouldn’t call a vote so we could identify which incumbents need to be replaced.

    He could hold the vote now. Show people which Republicans need replaced.

    Um…what? Are you saying that anything could be done to “replace” a handful of incumbents literally 68 days before the election? Please play that scenario out for me. Say 5 Democrats voted in a way that showed you they “need to be replaced”, and you wake up ready to put a game plan into motion on…checks notes…Thursday, August 29th. What do you do to “replace” those incumbents, starting tomorrow? Keep in mind the deadline for ballot access was like a week ago, and you don’t really know what states they’re from, so presumably you have no idea who you’d even need to reach out to in order to find a candidate, let alone convince someone to run, hire campaign staff, film ads, buy airtime, schedule debates, and barnstorm their constituency. Tell me your first week’s activity.

    But I don’t think I’m going to get any answers here

    You mean in response to your ludicrous, illogical questions? No, no you’re not. Glad you’re not expecting any.