Serious question. I only have the one car. I know there are people with more money than sense that have more cars than they can actually drive at a time, and that there are couples who may or may not be able to drive their SO to the mechanic. But how can they _assumef that I can even afford a cab, well Uber these days, when I’m about to have them hundreds of dollars getting my busted-ass, POS car fixed?

    8 months ago

    I’ve been going to for years is a bit further away and it’s worth the extra distance for their service. They’re a fantastic shop and they’ve always done great by me.

    i’m convinced that there’s some undiscovered natural law out there that says a mechanic’s artisanship is proportional somehow to their distance and inconvenience for you.

    an of course half the city has heard about them before you, so they’re completely booked for the next decade or so. lol

      8 months ago

      Yep! These guys are booked solid around the clock. I have to schedule well in advance any time I want to take my car to them, unless I want to camp out and be the first customer when they open at 5am. Worth it, though. They’re good people.