U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has repeatedly claimed that she worked at McDonald’s while getting her undergraduate degree in the 1980s. This claim has been reported by multiple reputable news outlets, but aside from Harris’ own testimony, there is no independent evidence such as a photo, employment record, or confirmation from a friend or family member to verify the story. Harris has invoked the alleged McDonald’s work experience throughout her political career, including in a 2024 presidential campaign ad and during a 2024 appearance on “The Drew Barrymore Show.” Other prominent Democrats, such as former President Bill Clinton, have also repeated the anecdote. However, some internet users have challenged the claim, with unverified reports that “McDonald’s Corporate sources” have no record of Harris working at their locations. Snopes reached out to Harris’ campaign and McDonald’s headquarters seeking evidence to corroborate the claim, but as of the report’s publication, no such proof has been uncovered. Without tangible evidence to independently confirm or debunk the story, Snopes has rated the claim “Research In Progress” as they continue to investigate.

  • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    We’ve all seen you posting the pro-Trump MAGA articles in conservative

    Brother, let’s get one thing straight. I am no friend of the conservative party, nor do I carry water for Trump or his MAGA cronies.

    You accuse me of dishonesty, but let me tell you this: my aim is to spark a fire of critical thought, to challenge the chains of this two-party system that keeps us all in check.

    You realize that I’m a socialist, right? And that I have posted over 180 pro-socialist and anti-trump articles to the c/socialst community, right?!

    Here’s a quick check on my most recent posts: https://lemmy.world/u/UniversalMonk?page=1&sort=New&view=Posts

    And feel free to took at my post history. The vast, vast majority of my posts, and my comments are pro-socialist, anti-trump, and anti-duopoly.

    If you think what you said was some sorta “gotcha!”, you’re gravely mistaken.

    I haven’t been “completely dishonest” about anything I have posted or any of my values. I’ve posted libertarian articles too. Which actually take votes AWAY from Trump.

    And no, “all” of you haven’t seen me post “pro-Trump MAGA” because the fact is that I’m not pro-trump or MAGA.

    My allegiance is to the working class, not to any figurehead of a broken system. So, call me what you will, but know that I stand firm in my beliefs, unafraid to challenge the narrative from every side.

    I actually created and mod c/socialist. https://lemmy.world/c/socialist

    Feel free to take a look. But of course, that wouldn’t fit your narrative would it?

    I’m not voting for your candidate. And I’m not voting for Trump either. Accept it and move on.

    • barsquid@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      No “gotcha,” just informing people who might interact with you that they’re dealing with a MAGA cosplaying as a leftist.

      • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Just informing people who might interact with you that they’re dealing with a MAGA cosplaying as a leftist.

        It’s clear to me, and should be to anyone paying attention, that your real aim is to sew discontent, to create suspicion among those who dare to question the duopoly you so desperately cling to.

        Why would I be “cosplaying” as a leftist?! Have you seen the hateful remarks I get on here? I’d actually get LESS hate if I were a MAGA because at least conservatives would like me. But they hate me too! lol

        You didn’t actually look at the my c/socialist Lemmy community that I created and mod, did you?

        You think by throwing out baseless accusations and labeling me as a “MAGA cosplaying as a leftist,” you can undermine the truth I stand for and the principles I hold?

        Let me tell you something: your attempts to paint me as a fraud only reveal your own fear—fear of those of us who refuse to bow to the two-headed snake that you worship.

        I am not here to play dress-up; I’m here to expose the lie that says we only have two choices in this so-called democracy.

        If that shakes you, then I must be doing something right. :)

        • barsquid@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Very ready with the accusations of what my beliefs are for someone who is very upset they were accused of anything. And of course the projection, you are upset, panicking, writing long responses because I’ve hit on the truth. You are a MAGA campaigning for Donald.

          • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            Ah, brother, I see you’re doubling down on your attempts to smear and discredit me.

            It’s an old trick—try to rile up your opponent, throw labels at them, and hope something sticks.

            Let’s be clear, friend: I’m not the one panicking here. I stand firm in my beliefs, unshaken by the desperate attempts of those who cling to the duopoly like it’s their lifeline.

            You’re rattled because I refuse to bow to the false choice between two sides of the same capitalist coin. You’re upset and mad, all because I am not voting for your candidate, so you are trying to make people think that I am voting Trump. You know that lots of people vote third party, right? There are NOT just two choices. Which is my point.

            Your insistence on painting me as a MAGA supporter is nothing more than a weak attempt to stifle dissent and keep people in line with your status quo.

            I actually think that you know that I’m not MAGA. You’re just saying it to try to sway others. You’re being an agent of the duopoly. You don’t want things to change.

            But the truth is, I’m here to challenge that, to disrupt your comfortable narrative, and to remind folks that real change doesn’t come from playing along with the same tired game—it comes from standing up, speaking out, and breaking the chains that bind us to this broken system.

            So keep throwing your accusations and of course, your downvotes; I’ll keep fighting for the revolution. Hey, have ya checked out my socialist Lemmy community yet? Let me know if you think MAGA would be a big fan of that community.

      • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Is that supposed to be some sort of “gotcha”? It’s public and I have never hidden it. I came across some interesting articles, that community has pretty much one poster, and I posted 3 articles that I thought they’d find interesting.

        I also posted science articles to the science community too! And have posted in the privacy community! OMG! Look! I post to other communities!!

        I’ve never hidden that fact. The articles were interesting. So not sure what your point is.

        If I had some sort of agenda, I’d post more articles in a more conservative and active sub.

        In fact, they actually tried to point me to a more active sub and suggested I post. Which I declined to do. And your screenshot actually shows that interaction.

        If I were secretly a conservative on some sort of mission of being some super awesome conservative hero, wouldn’t I have jumped at a chance to share the content with more active conservative people? Especially people who would give me way more upvotes?! lol

        And just this morning I shared a libertarian article to this sub, and libertarians actually are supposed to take votes AWAY from the GOP.

        And if I were conservative, would I really have started a Socialist community and put over 300 posts and comments in it?! https://lemmy.world/c/socialist

        Do you realize how much MAGA hates socialism and socialists?! lol The hate us even more than Democrats do. lol

        So you’ll have to keep trying if you wanna force some narrative for me. :)

          • Socialist Mormon Satanist@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            Good catch! It was 10. Out of 743 posts. And posted in one day. I can read and post whatever I want, whenever I want. I have never hidden the fact. If I was scared, I could have deleted them. Someone asked me to send to a more active conservative community and I declined.

            The articles were interesting. I stand by everything I have said.

            Wanna list the socialist articles? and the science articles? And the education articles? Do those next.

            Let me help: https://lemmy.world/u/UniversalMonk?page=1&sort=New&view=Posts

            And I’m still voting socialist, and not for your candidate. And not for Trump. So what next?