Lib Dem leader says people lending their votes to rival parties could shut the door on Conservatives at Westminster for years to come

    1 year ago

    I hope there is some sort of synchronized effort to force Labour to abolish FPTP once they are in power. Most people I’ve been speaking to agree that it needs to go and even their own party base voted to change it. Surely that must be enough support to pressure Starmer.

      1 year ago

      It’s Labour that really needs to get the ball rolling on this. I fear it needs to be forced through Parliament and the Tories definitely won’t. That leaves only Labour capable of doing it with support from SNP and Lib Dems and Greens.

      My big fear is that Starmer will talk cute about PR to get into office but then he’ll quietly ditch it for a generation “now is not the time”. Yes it fucking is! It’s about better representing the country democratically you double breasted oaf! Now is precisely the right time.

      FPTP benefits large incumbent already established parties AKA the Tories and Labour. Neither will vote to decrease any perceived majority they might have. And round and round we go! You can understand it from the Tories… it’s just disappointing from Labour.