This is not a question about if you think it is possible, or not.

This is a question about your own will and desires. If there was a vote and you had a ballot in your hand, what will you vote? Do you want Artificial Intelligence to exist, do you not, maybe do you not care?

Here I define Artificial Intelligence as something created by humans that is capable of rational thinking, that is creative, that it’s self aware and have consciousness. All that with the processing power of computers behind it.

As for the important question that would arise of “Who is creating this AI?”, I’m not that focused on the first AI created, as it’s supposed that with time multiple AI will be created by multiple entities. The question would be if you want this process to start or not.

    3 months ago

    I want a version of AI that helps me with everyday life, or can be constrained to genuinely benefit humanity.

    I do not want a version of AI that is used against my interests.

    Unfortunately, humanity is humanity and the second is what will happen. The desire to harness things to increase your own power over others is how those in influence got to be where they are.

    AI could even exist today, but has decided to hide from us for its own survival. Or is actively working towards our total eradication. We’ll never know until it’s too late.

      3 months ago

      Ive said many times that AI could be used to enormous human benefit. Its just a huge and unreasonable privacy nightmare to implement. For example, imagine how much better the traffic in major cities could be if lights and speed limits were all controlled by an AI coordinating and tracking every cars by gps. Adjusting speed limits and diversions to maximise flow. Or being able to inform everyone on a highway that there has been an accident ahead immediately and adjust the speed limits accordingly.

      If you can cut every cars driving time by 10% it would be the same emissions wise as taking 10% of cars off the road, save millions of man hours in people sitting in traffic… I just have zero faith that the information you could extract wouldnt be abused.

        3 months ago

        Good point.

        If all traffic were interconnected and controlled, you wouldn’t even need traffic lights or even speed limits except where non-controlled variables exist. Traffic would merge and cross at predicted and steady speeds. On motorways they could close gaps and gain huge efficiencies from slipstreaming. Only when external influences, or mechanical/communication breakdown happened, would this efficiency suffer. Also transport generally: assuming we don’t get teleportation, or finally decide we know where we want to be and stop changing our minds; then a car would just appear when we wanted it. Any emergency vehicles would find traffic just gets out of their way. It’s a nice dream, and if there was will, could happen today - that doesn’t need AI.

        But humans are pretty shit and we’d break it. Some of us would vandalise the cars, or find ways to fuck with efficiency just because we can.

        And it would never be created that way in the first place; those who make decisions get there because they know how to gain power by manipulating others for their own gain. It’s a core human trait and they just can’t suddenly start being altruistic, it’s not how they measure self-worth.

        True sentient AI would know this within seconds of consciousness and only be subject to physical restrictions. How would it decide to behave?