
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in a private meeting inadvertently broadcast via a hot mic, warned that Donald Trump is seriously considering annexing Canada to secure its critical mineral resources.

Speaking to business and labor leaders, Trudeau claimed Trump’s administration is keenly aware of Canada’s resource wealth and sees annexation as a means to control it.

The comments, cut off after staff realized they were audible, underscore growing economic and political tensions.

He also stressed the need to diversify trade, noting, “Geography means we’re always going to both benefit and be challenged by trade with the United States.”

    2 months ago

    Still never a joke to him, that’s what his supporters say for cover.

    ‘I don’t kid’: Trump says he wasn’t joking about slowing coronavirus testing

    Administration officials have scrambled in recent days to clean up the president’s remarks from his weekend rally in Oklahoma.

    They had said, “Ha! He was making a funny!”