Johnny.Decimal is a system to organise your life. Find things, quickly, with more confidence, and less stress. It's free to use and the concepts are the same at home or work.
78.47 things I tried to make myself more organised that failed because I’m inherently disorganized and have the memory of a goldfish.
97.34 things I tried to make myself more organized that failed because I’m not great at organizing and Im pretty sure I already made a folder like this somewhere but I probably spelled something wrong and I can’t find the damn thing.
78.47 things I tried to make myself more organised that failed because I’m inherently disorganized and have the memory of a goldfish.
97.34 things I tried to make myself more organized that failed because I’m not great at organizing and Im pretty sure I already made a folder like this somewhere but I probably spelled something wrong and I can’t find the damn thing.