that would be a coulomb, not an ampere
I feel like it’s a very important message. You should spread it too.
you shouldn’t support proprietary software
the people on television say “my shark was taken and used for food”
they taste pretty much the same, I just think Coca Cola is slightly more evil than PepsiCo. So I mostly drink Pepsi
This is “Die Linke” the largest leftist (socialist) party in Germany.
Lest test men
Men are not the same as men are men are women are men are men are women are women are women are women
Women are not women and are not women or are not women or are not women or are not women or are not women or are not women or are are not women or are are are not women women women or are not not women or are not not women or or are not not women women or or are are are not not women or are are not women or are are not women or are are not not women or or are are are are not not women
I don’t get it, pls explain 🥺
t480s, x390 yoga, older x1 carbon, maybe an x13
I usually use the C standard library qsort function.
free software is a political movement
i have catppuccin theme so it doesn’t fit the color scheme
i think the biggest issue with the progess pride flags are licensing issues. the original designer of the flag with 5 bars on the left published it under a license that retains copy right. i don’t care that he’s legally in the right, it’s sort of a dick move considering the significance of such a flag.
I believe that’s what they call fractional updates.
high level abstractions