• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2023


  • I’m not sure the book has been closed on this one. You don’t have to be a sov citizen to read the constitution and know that laws get passed all the time that violate civil rights for instance. Laws get overturned when they are challenged and someone has standing. Appeals courts are issuing rulings all the time that reverse what many assume was iron clad and untouchable. Jimmy YouTuber could be wrong but if he tests it and appeals with standing, we might just be surprised by the outcome.

  • Opt out. If we don’t exercise our rights, we lose them.

    "What if they retaliate and make life difficult for me? "

    That’s both illegal and against policy. If someone delays your right to travel for this specific reason, delay their job by asking for their supervisor and their name and employee number. Then file a complaint. That will dissuade that public servant (and their leadership) from exhibiting such behavior and encouraging it respectively.

    “But they are capturing your image in 10 skillion other public locations.”

    1. Sure, and you have the option to create your own privacy in public.
    2. Further, what’s the real purpose of the scanner at the TSA check if they already have that detailed image of your retina, your facial pore patterns and whatever the fsck else they store? They don’t have that level of detail yet on CCTV.

    If you don’t care, then that’s fine. Some people don’t mind the slow encroachments on 4th Amendment protections. Cool. Others do. Cool also. That’s why we can opt out.

  • I do that as a matter of course. And the previous point is spot on. One notable instance was Best Buy. I bought something and encountered someone intending to check my receipt who happened to be management on the way out. I politely pointed out that their default position of mistrust of legitimate customers has a longer term effect on their business model. Her dishonest response sealed the deal: “we just want to make sure you purchased what you intended to purchase”.

  • I guess that might be right. As of today, the iPad Pro is basically a laptop when attached to the magic keyboard. It only has a single thunderbolt port but can connect to an external display with caveats. Apple scuppers the experience by forcing you to have the iPad display open when connected to the monitor. I’m essentially looking for an experience like Samsung Dex where I get a desktop experience when docked - but a portable experience when on the go. I’m sure they could easily do this but choose not to in order too avoid eating into MacBook sales.