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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Thank you, I appreciate it. We’re pretty low contact as I live across the country, so I only really talk to him on holidays/birthdays to begin with, but this was an odd one-off.

    I mostly really stay in contact at all because my brother has 2 babies, and the entire family is conservative (to the point that theyre considering home schooling the kiddos), and Im worried theyll never get ANY outside influence if my husband and I dont make an effort.

    Its probably a worthless effort, because mentally I can only handle going home every year or so (and I make it as close to a 72 hr trip as possible), but I just feel like Im abandoning them completely if I cut everyone off now.

  • This fucking lie ended a conversation (that started about plumbing of all things!) between myself and my father with me screaming at him for being racist and him hanging up on me saying “Enjoy your fucking liberal life. Im hanging up now. Love you. Bye.”

    As a rule, I do NOT speak politics with my family because theyre HUGE MAGAts and Im the exact opposite. But my father is one who HAS to bait me. He just…its in his fucking DNA code or something. And usually I grit my teeth through it, but I couldnt this time.

    Ughhhhh this pisses me off so much because I really thought that he would snort and roll his eyes at THIS lie at least. But no. He unironically believes this shit. Its fucking dangerous.

  • I fucking wish every state could. Texas law makes it pretty much impossible to get abortion access on the ballot. Abbott and crew knew exactly what they were kicking off when they signed their “heartbeat bill” pre RvW reversal. They knew they were laying thw groundwork to turn women into brood mares.

    Our ballot initiatives need to come from our legislature itself, and then the voters get to say “Yeah I like that”, or “Nah not about it”.

    “For Texans to gain a direct say in changing these policies, the GOP-run Texas Legislature would need to pass a proposed constitutional amendment, which voters would then need to approve. (This yay-or-nay procedure is the only statewide policy-making power that regular Texans currently enjoy; voters weighed in on 14 such proposals from the Legislature Tuesday). One reason the Lege doesn’t want to give voters the initiative is fairly obvious: It would mean relinquishing some power—and giving interest groups a way to pass laws without lining elected officials’ pockets.”


  • As someone currently serving, it fucking boggles my mind that anyone who has ever served could be in favor of the Republican party. Even without Project 2025 threatening veteran benefits.

    So many of us have been to actual locations where the Church has a stranglehold on the government/is the government. My husband has stories from Afghanistan. I went to Qatar, which, is a “progressive” middle eastern country. I could wear tshirts and knee length shorts, but I was also not allowed to ride in an elevator with the opposite sex, and I was heavily questioned when I tried to buy cigarettes until a male coworker intervened and assured that I could. Not to mention the FUCKING INSANE wealth disparity. Palaces gilded in gold for the government/rich/churches and literal shacks made out of whatever material could be cobbled together in the rural areas outside of Doha.

    Why the fuck would anyone who has seen that first hand want to support anything that could even remotely resemble a world like that?

  • He wants to send his daughters to school in a place where they’re not only being valued for their wombs. Where they’re looked at as being equal contributors to their field of study. Where they’re provided opportunities the same as every other scholar there, and not assumed to be in college to find a husband.

    And, yes, there is a bit of “if they get into trouble will they have options?” At play I’m sure as well.

    Quit being obtuse.

  • Bruh I got into such an intense argument with my parents because I defended the BLM protests. They came at me hardcore for “violence” and “destruction of property”. I asked them what the hell protestors were supposed to do to draw attention to their cause, and they told me that they would have respected a “peaceful protest”.

    I then pointed out the fact that Colin Kaepernick’s career still hasn’t recovered, and that they themselves haven’t watched an NFL game since then…so no, they wouldn’t. My dad then of course whipped out his favorite “insult”: “Fucking Liberal”, and then proceeded to tell me that I have no respect for the flag.

    The inability for them to think critically is absolutely astounding.

  • …if you go to Pahrump, NV where prostitution is legal, those women are independent contractors who set their own prices and can turn anyone that they don’t feel comfortable with serving away. Additionally, clients must use protection AND the women have police on a panic button if anyone gets out of hand.

    Compare that to the women who prostitute themselves illegally and are subjected to all the dangers of rape, abuse, and murder.

    I used to think like you. While I was researching a paper I was writing (arguing against the legalization of prostitution mind you), I ended up at a completely different conclusion. My conclusion did not support my thesis and I wrote it that way.

    Open your mind a bit, and see that legalization protects EVERYONE (except prudes I guess)