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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Literally plan A is to fucking steal the election… They spent the last 4 years brainwashing The Base to believe the election was stolen so that they can do it brazenly this time and they’ll feel justified in doing it…

    I’m generally a pessimistic person, but I see absolutely no way that we win this…

    People say vote in numbers that can’t be ignored, except we never vote in those kinds of numbers and with Trump not being in office and the collective amnesia we seem to have about how terrible he was, I don’t see turnout being that great this time around…

  • Because to some their eternal purity is way more important than anything that could actually happen as a result of their actions. To throw your vote away in a protest that no party has ever cared about keeps your hands clean of any individual aspect of that party you don’t like and you can claim the moral high ground by “trying” to enact change, but at what cost to everything around you?

    It’s like the cartoon of the people living in a cave after climate change ruins everything saying “at least for a short time we made a lot of money for shareholders.” except it would be “at least I didn’t vote for Genocide Joe.”

  • We’re in such a wonderful position: Kamala does nothing about Israel like she’s paid to do and Palestinians die.

    Trump wins and not only does nothing about Palestine, but encourages Bibi to go harder, more Palestinians die annnnd we get to enjoy the beginning of a fascist dictatorship!

    Notice how Stein isn’t even mentioned in the above? You can claim it’s about putting pressure on Kamala all you like, but this is the literal election. When she loses because of this “pressure” (that isn’t pressure, it’s literally not voting for her at all) what’s the outcome? It sure as hell has nothing to do with Stein being anywhere.

    We’ve been having this argument about the green party for fucking decades and what progress/policies have they “forced” the Democrats to adopt?

    I think aside from the obvious genocide, what really fucking pisses me off about Democrats and this topic is that “we” can sooooo easily say “handguns for self defense ok! Shotguns for self defense ok! Rifles for self defense ok (depends on magazine size and rate of fire) bombs? No! Tanks? God no!” But when it comes to Isreal they suddenly completely lose the capacity for nuance… Bombs = self defense? Are you fucking joking?

  • So just going to chime in here with a little advice that really should be obvious, but don’t tell someone who is suicidal to just get over themselves.

    A person wants to end their existence and your only reply is to completely dismiss their pain as absurd. As someone who is suicidal pretty much every day, the whole point is not wanting to exist in this pain and not seeing any way out of it. There’s nothing to “get over” as people like us think of ourselves as the lowest form of garbage imaginable. A joke I often make is “Hitler had more redeeming qualities than I do.”

    The only thing accomplished wtih your statement is making you feel better about yourself, it doesn’t help the other person at all so the whole “got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything” applies here.