• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Yes, and the farming industry is getting its dick sucked all year long. Each year they get money for their shitty returns because it was unforseen and animal rights get ignored.

    A typical pig farm is controlled ever 30 years or so. Germany has like the most fucked up animal rights in the EU and exports their cheap meat (produces by exploited workers from other countries btw.) into the rest of the EU.

    It’s a disgusting system really. Fuck those “poor” farmers. Yes. Their life is shitty, but they should just stop exploiting the planet and do something good instead. Maybe or politicians and the industry would then learn something.

  • I am on the phone too, but loaded it onto my server. It’s currently running. We’ll see.

    Edit: So its legit? Wow…

    Building trust report...ok
    Averages                             Score           Trust    
    Weighted contributions:  58743             A    
    Private contributions:      1442               A    
    Created issues:                24                   A    
    Commits authored:          410                 B    
    Repositories:                    31                   A    
    Pull requests:                   36                   A    
    Code reviews:                   15                  A    
    Account age (days):         2689              A    
    5th percentile:                  1                     E    
    10th percentile:                 61                  A    
    15th percentile:                 121                A    
    20th percentile:                 281                A    
    25th percentile:                 760                A    
    30th percentile:                 1358              A    
    35th percentile:                 1935              A    
    40th percentile:                 3446              A    
    45th percentile:                 4949              A    
    50th percentile:                 7598              A    
    55th percentile:                 10670            A    
    60th percentile:                 13928            A    
    65th percentile:                 19495            A    
    70th percentile:                 23387            A    
    75th percentile:                 40381            A    
    80th percentile:                 57365            A    
    85th percentile:                 84295            A    
    90th percentile:                 113733          A    
    95th percentile:                 233883          A    
    Overall trust:                                         A    

  • It has to do with Linux.

    Linux itself is not a fully fledged operating system as most people would expect it. Since Linux has to work on servers and microchips as well as on desktop PCs, lots of stuff is not shipped with it.

    For example Linux is missing a way to display windows and has no real package manager.

    A distro (or distribution) is a predefined set of of software, that makes it easier for a user to use Linux.

    This is mostly a window manager or desktop environment like KDE or GNOME, a package manager like apt or pacman and useful software like an office suite, a browser and other stuff.

    Distros also exist for servers, the ln they don’t include a way to display images, but still have a package manager and other useful stuff preinstalled.

    That’s of course not all, but maybe gives you a little overview.