Only pedophiles defend pedophiles.
And I fucking HATE pedophiles.

Woody Allen is still a pedophile who raped one of his own young step-daughters and married another.

People who defend that shit are SICK.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It’s not a left or right debate, it’s about civilization! The big issue needs to be resolved: platforms are not neutral, the algorithms reward the extreme, the grotesque, the destructive, the aberrant, the chaotic. And this is paid for! There are people profiting from the degeneration of society.

    – Silvio Almeida, Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship, Brazil

    I don’t think it has ever been said better or more concisely. I’m sorry that people have had to die for it to be said, and that more will die before it is ever corrected. But that guy gets it.

  • Eliquis

    That’s some crazy shit going on with that drug. I looked it up on Wikipedia just to see what it was, found out it is the 48th most prescribed drug in the US, it is available as generic internationally but not here, and then came across these two tidbits:

    In December 2019, the US FDA approved a generic version of apixaban produced jointly by Mylan and Micro Labs. BMS and Pfizer worked quickly to block generics from being created, and in August 2020, they won a patent infringement lawsuit against Sigmapharm, Sunshine Lake, and Unichem, after previously settling patent cases against 25 other companies. In September 2021, a Federal Circuit Court upheld the ruling. The result is that apixaban generics will most likely not be available in the United States until at least 2026, but possibly 2031.


    Apixaban is one of the ten medications proposed for price negotiations in the US under the Inflation Reduction Act. According to Bristol Myers Squibb the average pay per month per patient for Eliquis is US$55.

    So BMS and Pfizer fucked the entire country out of already approved generics, was upheld by a federal circuit court, and multiple people in different places are shitting gold coins if BMS/Pfizer is charging $55 (for a drug that likely costs maybe 1/10th of that to make, just going by the fact that multiple chemically successful generics have been produced) AND your insured price is $275.

    So let’s see: BMS and Pfizer is making cash on the federally guaranteed twelve-year monopoly extension, and your insurance company and/or pharmacy is making full hog on that $275, while the uninsured pay roughly DOUBLE that, $600 for 60 tabs (1 month supply).

    All I can say is that that’s just far too many different ways for any one situation in life to be that fucked up. No wonder you’re tired, anyone would be. May BMS and Pfizer board members, and their paid lackeys in the courts, all have futures that involve crotch rot that burns with the fire of a thousand suns, and may your heart surgery go wonderfully well.

  • I think that’s deliberate; the chief and mayor know exactly what those terms mean, even better than we do.

    One way to confuse people who don’t know much about a subject is to insert extraneous information and unnecessary detail, and frankly I think that’s why they said it the way they did. It serves to confuse the otherwise extremely clear picture of what happened by making it sound like there was a third party involved, or that the arrest gone wrong started with civilians or something, rather than it being a simple matter of one person of color, one taser, and one cop seriously getting off on causing him pain without cause.

  • That little town’s school board has its own police force, led at the time of the shooting by Chief “I got no radio” Arredondo (who has since resigned). Note that this is police just for the schools, not for the whole town. They were very well funded in every respect for the size of their duties, and already pretty much paramilitary in terms of equipment the day they went in and did nothing but listen to the screams of the kids.

    If there really was a lack of training – and I wouldn’t bet on it myself – then it’s on nobody but themselves, because they had the money and a whole lot of shiny new equipment.

    At the time of the shooting there were a number of contemporary news articles that discussed the outsize police budget Uvalde already had in place, something like 40% of the entire town budget. They should be pretty easy to find if you’re interested. No excuse for no training – if in fact there was a lack thereof, and I kinda don’t believe that myself.

  • It’s literally impossible to draw districts in such a way that a minority party is the majority of voters in every district.

    What’s this “every” district business? Congressional elections, urban area, two primary districts with others on the fringe. The state legislature redrew the line between one of the primary districts and a fringe district. Lo and behold, a new perma-R city that was solidly purple and occasionally blue.

    I won’t say which congressional district I’m talking about but honestly it’s not even hard to figure out: it’s not like they failed to announce it after the fact, or no one noticed when it was done.

    It sounds an awful lot like you are in a very red state, and there isn’t a blue majority that can hypothetically vote.

    There was, until two years ago. But hey, keep explaining. Maybe if you throw enough good-sounding words at the problem that will change the reality of it.

  • Exactly the wrong way to look at it. The way to overcome gerrymandering is to push higher turnout. . . . What this means is that if Dems turnout in force, they win. In most places they outnumber GOP, even in gerrymandered maps - they just have to actually vote en masse.

    No. You have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Two years ago, the purple part of my congressional district did just that, turned out to vote in force on an already gerrymandered map. Thus the R candidate had to fight like hell, and only won by a slender margin.

    The Rs won. You might well assume it stopped there, and apparently have, going by what you wrote.

    But because the margin was by less than 2%, and this is a red state, within a year the state legislature MOVED the purple and blue part of this congressional district slightly northwest to the solidly Dem “black” district, where our votes will simply go to the very cool and very secure Dem representative who already has all the votes he needs (and is worth every one of them).

    The actual urban center, where my vote used to matter, will now remain R in perpetuity.

    TL;DR: We voted en masse on a gerrymandered map. The Rs won, but it scared them. So they changed the map again.

    Tell someone else how Dems voting en masse on a gerrymandered map does anything but get a corrupt red state legislature to move the lines again.

  • They already have. Abortion is healthcare; where they’ve outlawed it they’ve literally outlawed the free practice of OB/GYN medicine, and instead subjected it to political oversight with criminal penalties. The OB/GYNs, unsurprisingly, are leaving red states, and the new ones are refusing residencies there. Maternity units and even a few hospitals have already closed in rural red areas, especially Idaho, leaving remote pregnant women with zero local OB/GYN care or delivery facilities. (If I’m preaching to the choir here, I do apologize lol)

    They already have left it in shambles. And they’ve only just started.

    This is just one more thing on the hot steaming pile of Republican red state horseshit.

  • And we all thought Alec Baldwin was careless, lol. That first link and similar posts on the same site were not only substantiating that specific post’s allegations, but offering more, and with further detail. He really does think he’s Jesus. He really does think he’s speaking [Chinese?] when he sees an Asian person on set, goes over, bows, and then babbles gibberish at them. He really does think he’s a SEAL or similar military hero because he’s played them on film. He really can’t be trusted with guns, even blanks, or cars on set. It’s amazing the depth to which the delusions go.

    But the line that really got me about Jim Caviezel was,

    “I pray for him that he never winds up in a paper bag because he will be stuck and he will die.”

    After reading what I’ve read so far, I actually believe that to be a possibility.

  • As a long time subscriber, I can tell you anecdotally that WaPo is leaning a little bit further right with every passing month.

    And just in case that wasn’t clear to subscribers already, WaPo recently announced that William Smith, part of the Rebekah Brooks/Rupert Murdoch News of the World phone hacking scandal that set in motion the entire Leveson inquiry, the same William Smith accused of providing journalists’ record to police, the same William Smith who then steered the now hard-right Wall Street Journal, will be taking over as CEO and publisher of The Washington Post on January 2, 2024.

    This is a gift link to a puff piece WaPo did about him in the Style section after the first announcement was met with massive scorn from readers. I included the link so you can see reader responses for yourself: it didn’t get any better. It’s been getting strange over there for months, and choosing this guy to lead indicates Bezos wants to take WaPo in the same direction as WSJ. Yeah, no.

    After December I won’t be renewing my subscription. Might toss some cash to The Graun instead; I haven’t made up my mind yet. But given your comment I thought you might find this new direction interesting.