• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023

  • Can you read? I mean obviously you can but your selective comprehension is baffling. I already told you my car has been “replaced.” Actually it’s been replaced multiple times over and it’s still going. Your petty assumptions about my situation are frankly wrong, and when I compared deducting the mileage rate vs itemized deductions, the mileage rate was so much better I wondered why anyone would consider itemizing. Drive cheap, efficient cars my friend, you can really game that mileage rate.

    Also do you really think the IRS has local couriers driving tiny used cars in mind when they’re creating their mileage deduction? No, they don’t.

  • This is how it’s done in Korea, cameras everywhere and signs telling you where they are. The built-in gps systems in newer cars also have all the camera locations within their maps. It’ll warn you by dinging if you’re speeding ahead of a camera and give you a happy ding-ding if you pass the camera while driving under the limit. Seems to work fairly well, although it’s kind of annoying on their highways as everyone seemingly races to the next camera where they then rapidly slow down, then speed up, again and again and again.

    Oh and cops don’t pull people over. I never saw it and drove many miles over several different visits.