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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • You had a tyrant that tried to overthrow a legitimate election through violence.

    Where were all gun nuts then? Those who weren’t attempting said coup, that is. Doesn’t sound reliable to me.

    As for what happens to disarmed populations, most of Europe has gun control laws that would make any American have a heart attack, and yet here we are, no dictators to be seen up to GMT+3. Do say, what is it that happens to disarmed populations? What is happening to us that I somehow didn’t notice?

    And gun control being racist… I’m sorry, what? This right here, this is the thing I’ll never understand about Americans. Everything is racist. You can’t talk about anything, somebody will play the “racist” card before you can get any deeper than slogans. Absolutely every single thing turns out to be a race issue. Sure, you guys had very big issues with racism until very recently (learning about sundown towns for me was a huge WTF moment) and it’s very hard to deal with a past so ugly - but still, maybe not everything is about race.

  • Hello there! I’m feeling called out here as I made one such comment a couple days ago.

    Even though I did ask what was special about those things and complain about self diagnosed people, I hope it was clear that I did so out of genuine curiosity rather than trolling or whatnot.

    I also wish to tell you that the community’s answers - implying, as you do here, that I may relate because I also suffer from adhd or related - got me intrigued enough to start digging and I am now on track to proper clinical triage, as if confirmed that would explain a lot about my life, and if confirmed and treated it could be one of the greatest turning points of my adulthood.

    So my point - those comments may not be all aggressive and maybe a ban would be a disproportionate response (it would surely have had a wholly different effect on me). Perhaps you could consider a link to this post instead (think automod linking to faqs on Reddit?) and using bans in case of clear offensiveness and recidivism?

  • Thanks for the reply, that’s exactly what I was going for. I hope it was clear that my observation was genuine and had no intention whatsoever to troll.

    I do take adhd seriously, and I have met some who quite clearly suffer from it - but I have also seen plenty of posers, if you listen to the internet everybody has Tourette or OCD. My point in that paragraph was not that adhd is not a thing, but rather that the abundance of posers who just want to feel special gives the condition the lack of credibility that you and I both denounce.

    As for me suffering from it, it is quite possible having struggled with depression as well. I am very annoyed by the “self diagnosers” so I try to practice what I preach. Not that I could possibly find out properly, as adhd is not taken quite seriously where I am from.

    Thanks for the resources, they’re on top of my watch list.

  • I see memes from this adhd community all the time on my feed, and every time I’m like - isn’t everybody like that? What’s so special about it? Like the metronome one, isn’t that how everyone with a three digit iq feels but hides it to different degrees? Or the one about being disappointed when you suck at something you never tried - how is all this stuff adhd specific? 90% of the stuff I see here is like that.

    A lot of the “adhd” people I’ve seen online are 200% self diagnosed and use it as a replacement for a personality, because having adhd is fashionable - to the detriment of the credibility of the real adhd people - which is probably why people react the way that this meme hints at.