No you don’t, because their wealth was immediately returned to the people who made it in the form of converting all industries into co-ops!
No you don’t, because their wealth was immediately returned to the people who made it in the form of converting all industries into co-ops!
It’s always funny to me when the recruitment posters show the Air Force with guns.
Enlist today, kids! Sure, you got a 14 on the ACT, but that just means you’re well suited for an exciting career as Air Base Gate Guard!
What, you wanted to be a pilot? A mechanic maybe?
Why would you think you’re qualified for that?
Uh, no.
Redditors just suck like this.
Literally no. They can not wrap their heads around the idea that other people have agency.
Easy block, nothing of value to be had from this dude trying to spell check “lolol”
Oh, wow.
That went after the cops, too.
That was really fucking stupid of them, you reward your foot soldiers just well enough to make them trust the system enough to defend it with their lives against their own class.
You let the cop “union” thrive and they’ll kick every teacher to death on their overtime pay with gusto.
Yes, but, also, logically you can never reach any destination because you can only ever halve the distance therefore everyone is trapped in an infinite loop of suffering.
Not my fault you’re a strawmanning nonce defender.
You’re talking about two competing “conservative” power blocs in this case.
The oligarchs want a healthy population that doesn’t call in sick and is easy to exploit.
The fundies, who control Montana, want to make you as stupid and desperate as they are so you don’t question Gawwwwwd.
They have overlapping interests (see: poor and stupid), but the oligarchs don’t want a population decline so we’ll see what happens federally.
A fool can observe an event without understanding it.
I definitely judge pedophiles, because a “preference” is not the same thing as a sexual orientation.
You don’t?
Wonder why…
And the God of Abraham was El. There is historical evidence of the conquests of Canaan which placed them around 1400 BCE.
In the Bronze Age.
There’s also a later period with another round of conquests and sackings in ~1250 BC that oh-so-coincidentally coincides with the infamous Sea Peoples.
There’s obviously a lot that isn’t true in the Biblical accounts but the general time period is confirmed archaeologically for when the hillbilly Israelites conquered at least some of the coastal Canaanites.
(Their cities didn’t have walls, which is interesting)
(Also it wasn’t a purge, the “Canaanites” for a certain value of the term were doing fine in Alexander’s time)
Projection ;)
Wait a minute.
You can’t evolve out of a clade.
Mammals are ultimately descended from fish…
My fucking God, whales are fish.
Is there another King James with mentioning?
Is the answer the implied threat of uncivil resistance?
Bro was going strong until he tried to put down people who bring me waffles.
Those are some of the best kind of people, and, quite frankly?
Comedians shouldn’t be throwing stones at anyone in terms of life achievements.
When your scare quote “they” it makes you sound like you mean Jews.
It’s Lemmy. Just say billionaires.
Yeah, in some kind of merger of state, church, and corporate power.
What’s the name for that again?
It IS really weird how all the tankie types love both to tell you that your votes don’t matter and Trump bragging about rigging the election shouldn’t be investigated, isn’t it?