This is what happens when you pirate power
For me if I have a headache I don’t take a drug for it because its unessential to make the headache go away. If I have a bad reaction to a drug I read the leaflet to see what I should do. Big pharma being a thing is because people pay good money and being a publicly traded company is the fastest way to grow and scale. But doing that causes the business to lose autonomy over their decision making, which is what leads to the scenes in America were people pay £1000 for insulin despite it being cheap to make. And alot of that money goes into research and development of new drugs for illnesses and diseases that people suffer from along side the people who have hundreds of thousands in the stock market who enrich themselves from the profits.
If the drugs were unnecessary then they wouldn’t exist, people have always had chronic problems that can’t be solved, but its better than doing nothing and suffering because of it.
Mandela catalog intruder be like:
Can reccomend the the epic of Gilgamesh, just be sure you don’t actually enjoy reading it, or else you’d just be reading on the bus…
True, source: X (formerly twitter)(rants about wlon musk and politics)
I don’t enjoy gaming anymore
Someone doesn’t reheat their tea in the airfryer
I make my switch run android and summon demons by not getting enough sleep
Average american child so brainrotted that they can’t read a minute:second countdown, god has cursed them to not understand 24H clocks either, because only the military and every European country uses it.
Just ignore them, and if they don’t tell them to stop, and if they have a hissyfit over being told to stop don’t labour the point.
Processionally NEAT
Idk I’ll ask my ex
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I tried but they said I was fat