• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Do you live to argue? Did you even read what I wrote, or do you only cherry pick? You’re resorting to whataboutism. And for the record no, because Russia is a full-blown oligarchy that holds farce “presidential” elections. The fact Trump, the leader at the time, lost shows we’re doing better than Russia is.

    We both support progressive candidates and ideologies. I hate Biden, but I live in a state where I’ll have to vote for him. But since you don’t want to have an actual conversation, we’re done here. Talk like this is why Republicans are doing so well despite over half of the US hating their guts.

  • Alright, you’re just arguing for the sake of it at this point and putting words in my mouth lol. While we’re technically in a capitalistic oligarchy, we do have some democratic processes at play. I don’t like it, and you don’t either. Which is weird because you’re seemingly arguing against the only candidate that is actively trying to maintain that semblance of democracy. Trump has actively tried to undermine this semblance of democracy in each of the recent elections, even in the election he won.

    Let’s circle back for you. Biden is the lesser evil of the two. When these are your only realistic choices in our current system, there’s only one that’s obvious. Campaign for structural reform and for politicians that want to reform and improve the system we have.

  • One evil respects democracy and at least wants to better the lives of most the people in the country. Morally dubious, but has helped more people than harmed.

    The other respects only himself and wants to better the life of only himself while using anyone and anything he can to achieve that - remember the time he claimed the election was stolen before it was even concluded? The guy literally has a psychologist in his family who detailed how awful he really is, and was before he became president.

    And then there’s RFK Jr. who had a worm starve to death inside his brain. He isn’t necessarily evil, just horribly stupid

  • I’ll bite. I had a brother with special needs pass away a year ago next week. He was born with cerebral palsy, was blind, nonverbal, totally dependent on caretakers (myself, my siblings and mother, his nurses) for literally everything since he didn’t have functionally-independent motor control. We were told he’d live to 10, and he lived to 29; he was a bundle of joy and loved going out when he could. People would stare and kids would ask questions, but we loved sharing his story and my brother liked when people were curious about it.

    But, his health started declining in 2014. He had several close calls, and we told doctors each time to try their best with the circumstances they were given. On more than one occasion, his nurses or our mother would actually be with the doctors during hospital stays to assist with him since he was case they didn’t have much experience in and didn’t want to make his issues worse. That said, he had a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) since he had a trache, and was brittle enough to die from chest compressions.

    I prepped for my brother’s death countless times over 8 years. We all did. When he passed, we were so obviously distraught. But we were also relieved, in a way, that he wasn’t in pain anymore in the end. We let out our emotions that had been stored for those years, and the grieving process is still continuing. We all put our lives on hold to help him, and he just became our lives; our goal simply was to make him comfortable and let him know he was loved, knowing we couldn’t realistically do more. We spent years watching him in pain, watching him gradually lose his fervor and personality.

    If you read this far, thank you. Not really sure what else to say, I just want to share this since it’s occupied my mind a lot.

    TLDR; Preparing for the worst outcomes, coupled with grief, over prolonged periods of time really disrupt your emotions and outlooks. Needless to say, my family became stronger proponents of state-assisted suicide after this experience. It couldn’t be granted to my brother, but maybe we can help people in the future that coupd really use it. People understand, but not nearly as many are truly empathetic because they can’t be - they’ve never been through a similar experience. I simply ask that people try to be sympathetic rather than to pass judgement on others.

  • Good points, but an important thing to consider is the Jedi - Obi-Wan and Yoda included, Yoda especially - were so caught up in their own hubris that they allowed all these events to transpire in their faces. The rise of the Empire didn’t cause this to change, as evidenced by your points that Yoda and Obi-Wan lied to Luke until they realized they couldn’t anymore. Plus, they did the same to Anakin and Ahsoka in different situations during the Clone Wars - while they all were still part of the Jedi Order. So I’d say the surviving Jedi barely changed in that regard. But my point was, Obi-Wan never fell to the dark side as Anakin did - despite having gone through worse for longer.

    Personally, I hope future Jedi are more pragmatic / Grey in their approaches, similar to Qui-Gon or Dooku before his fall. I think if more Jedi had been like that, Palpatine would not have been able to be as opportunistic as he was. Btw, thanks for engaging in this lol I’m a sucker for it all

  • Man, just thinking of the mental anguish that Obi-Wan went through in his adult life. He suffered just as much as Anakin, if not more - yet he never fell from his path. After seeing his love interest murdered by the former Sith - who killed his mentor in front of him - he thought he killed, he went a literal decade in exile thinking he killed his best friend, who was complicit in the deaths of thousands of their fellow Jedi and friends, over something that could have been avoided if they didn’t inadvertently play into Palpatine’s umbrella of schemes nearly every time.

    Then he found out Anakin was still alive, and actually responsible for all of the behind-the-scenes action of the Empire.

    Edit: to give credit to Anakin, he was a teenager when he began being fully groomed by Palpatine. Given that Palpatine was one of the strongest force users in all of known galactic history, I think Anakin would have been an extreme Grey Jedi at worst if he wasn’t manipulated by the Dark Lord of the Sith

  • Each episode of Kenobi, and the show as a whole, seemed like it started with a great idea that just got worse the more they drew it out. Anytime I rewatch it, I skip through any scene that isn’t mostly Vader or Anakin / Vader and Obi-Wan.

    Just give me a PG-13 or MA-rated miniseries - that isn’t afraid to test the limits - about Vader in his prime. I want to see “All I’m surrounded by are dead men,” energy on screen.

  • DearOldGrandma@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlliterally no clue
    1 year ago

    Facebook users typically skew older, so people that are more likely to have established careers, larger spaces and yards to work on. I feel like a lot of Redditors and Lemmings are young and live with parents or in apartments, and are thus less likely to have a yard to care for.

    That being said, anyone with a deck or porch can pot a plant or two to try and help local pollinators.