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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • I think this is a great example of how a conservative mind views the world.

    They are never happy or joyfull, its always a struggle and you fight for an idea despite you hating all of it. The idea that your life is not filled by misery is alien to them.

    At this point being conservative is just akin to mental illness. Destructive, depressed, delusional to themselves and others. If ever there was a real social contaigion, it would be this state of being.

  • Are you concern-trolling? Because it feels like it.

    Third-Positionists claim to be centrist, arguing “bOtH sIdEs hAvE a fAiR pOIIInT”. You cant just genocide “a tiny bit” or being “a little bit racist”, but in giving credit to the rights ideas, you enable them. Its even on wikipedia and is accuratly mentioning the “Fascism on the left” thing.


    She is supporting Putin, a fascist dictator and is spreading missinformation on the matter. Google search: “Sarah Wagenknecht on Putin”. I tried it just know and boy there is a lot.

    The other point: This article mentions she calls herself a “left-conservative”, which is an oxymoron, and also just regular moron. Or in her case, dishonesty. Because that would be social, but also national, fusing into national-social(ism). Also anti-climate regulation, calling it “blind planless Eco-Activism, costing people money, but actually doing nothing for the climate”. Literal denial of the efforts we make to safe the world. Another very Fascist talking point. Fascist cant defeat the Climate Crisis, because you cant it by being racist and unfuckable, some of the only things they actually do well.


    (Source is in German, sorry for that)

    Also: Economic Policies ARE Social Policies. If you are right on them, you are just on the right. The idea that both are separated is naive at best and active malice at worst.

  • This might be unpopular, but here goes nothing:

    With the correct and fitting (and fair) regulations, oversight by the government and accountabilit, this is a correct and more ethical decision.

    Stuff costs money. For now. Infrastructure, wages, repairs, fixes, improvements, new features.

    All these things dont come free and we only pay nothing DIRECTLY, because we pay in data, attention and privacy violations.

    By fixing this issue, the access to all these things can be secured without the plattform falling appart or having to resort to invasive data harvesting. We could even make these practices illegal, because plattforms would not just die then.

    And no, the price should not be so high to generate profit for the executives. Thats why regulation is so important.

    In the Modern Age we live in, Social Media is at this point akin to an essential service and should therefore be regulated as such: No profit, but stable maintenance and secure access free from monetary interest for everyone equally.

  • I read a few comments on why the warmongering GOP now wants to stop sending weapons. Let me use this opportunity to make something clear:

    What we see on display are the real world consequences of what happens when you have Fascists in politics! Here is list of some things Fascism is characterized by:

    Logical Inconsistencies: Supporting expansion, use and increasing spending of military complexes and police, but then opposing war, even stopping Pentagon funding. Pro-War people would instead pass a bill firmly cementing funding instead and buy stocks of appropriate companies.

    Self-Destruction: Shutting their own Government down, loosing support from agencies and taking a massive optical loss, because they are driven by dogma, ideology and emotion. Or cognitive disfunction and dillusion in cases like MTG.

    Diplomatic Incapability: Not only an inability to reach across the isle, but not even getting along with nominally allied people WITHIN THE SAME PARTY!

    The GOP used Fascism as soil for growing a base and now they reap the reward.