Then again, I would not kick out 20 something yo out of my bed if she was already there…
Then again, I would not kick out 20 something yo out of my bed if she was already there…
Are you a bot? If not can you reply ‘nice’ to all comments containing 69? We really need this.
If I’m calculating this right this is supposed to cost around $40m per kilometre (12 bil total for 200 mile project). This is what high speed rail cost in Europe where they are actually building a lot of it. My guess is that in US, country with little to no experience in such projects they will spend about 10x more. The failed HS2 project in UK was supposed to cost £250m/km for the final part. My guess is they know they will run out of money after like 10% of the construction but just want to start building hoping to find more money later. Soon they will start cutting back the project while throwing more and more money at it to prop up the private sector and it will collapse like all the other big infrastructure projects in US.
People should not be able to buy residential building? /s
Even if a law was passed it would be repealed as soon as a new party was in power
Please stop repeating that. In every democracy in the world the governing parties change every couple of years and they do not simply repeal all the laws passed by the previous government. This is just a stupid excuse used by US parties no to do anything. Why people believe it is beyond me.
I don’t think it’s even because of that. About 70% of Americans support measures like psychiatric evaluations or waiting periods, maybe even more. NRA is also not that powerful as a lobbyist, most politicians would be fine without it’s support. The only issue is that it would require some actual work and they wouldn’t gain anything from it and American politicians simply aren’t used to doing anything useful anymore.
Sure, if you’re a little bitch.
They are 13 and/or stupid. How about now?
Movies/shows I can still see many times today:
In communist Poland you couldn’t simply buy movies on VHS so the only ones we had were Iron Angels I and II: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094146/
No idea where they came from and I’ve seen both way too many times.
Wasn’t this known from day 1? We had footage like 2 years ago? Nothing happened, nothing will happen. Just get used to it.
Actually something will happen. Other cops will see you can just stand back without consequences and will do likewise.
What? Newspapers not rapid. They are printed only once per day because of all the writing and editing that’s required. Do it any faster and you’ll end up with lot’s of typos and factual errors.
I’m being voted down? Good thing my instance doesn’t have down votes.
And if someone doesn’t want to talk to people that’s fine, use the apps. Just don’t complain that the apps got shitty. That was the plan from the start. You had to be stupid not to realize that the moment they got rid of competition they will start squeezing everyone hard. The choice was always between talking to people or giving full control to bad actors. People made their choice, now live with it.
American version has guns actually.
My guess some paper got jammed. You have to unjam it.
Today in my office kitchen I saw ‘CUPS’ sticker on a drawer and was like ‘who prints stuff in a kitchen’? I took me 3 seconds to realize.
This will change when will get modular cars and open source versions of common modules. I.e. never.
What I would do is search for data where the kid is not biological child of both parents. For all the cases I found I would send automated email to both parents saying that if they don’t pay me I will reveal this info to their child, post it on their facebook and email all their friends. How many couples do you think found out that there was a mixup in the in vitro clinic or simply that there was some cheating and didn’t reveal it to everyone My guess is more than 0.
Or I would email everyone on the list saying that I analysed their data and found that there’s 100% probability they are gay/trans/have a small dick. Out of the 7 million, how many would believe it and pay not to have this revealed?
With 7 million users it’s more about running scams than getting ‘dirt’ on the individuals.
Such a tragic story made beautiful by good writing and a bit of compassion. 10/10
What are you going to do about it, asshole?