Abandoned this profile due to lemmy.world’s federation with Threads. I have moved onto feddit.de as they are the only instance I could find defederated from Threads, hexbear, and lemmygrad.

I’m happy with my new home.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • How to pass/invalidate a lie-detector test.

    They are not considered admissible evidence in court (but the criminal justice system still use them to a degree…), and they can be interpreted with intentional bias, so I think it’s fine to share.

    One of my psychology professors told me that if you hide something like a sewing needle in your shoe’s insole, you can ever so slightly apply pressure so that the poke causes a physiological spike. They monitor for movement, so it has to be very minute. The goal is to do this on every control question so that they cannot establish a baseline and have to give up.

  • I’m starting my clinical counseling masters program next month. At the same time, I left my job as a caseworker. Covid + RSV nearly killed me.

    The healthcare system is so strained, overworked, and burned out it’s unbelievable. Getting new clients into services was backed up months. Months before someone can receive medication management… even my forensic clients…

    It’s kinda sick to say (hence why my former employer’s CEO repeatedly talked about the fact that) there is more job security in the field of mental health than ever before, due to the trauma of the covid pandemic. Especially a traumatic time for frontline healthcare workers. So much loss, exploitation, and burn out…

  • I don’t disagree with OP’s personal take that they added to the post body, but I really think that’s a bad practice…

    It’s one thing when someone links an excerpt from the article they are posting, which is commonplace. But the post body absolutely should not be for the user’s subjective take, especially when the common practice is to quote the article. It muddies the waters and can be unclear who the author is (user or article).

    Comments like OP made should be in the comments section where they belong. Anyone remember how r/Askreddit had to change the rules/automod because users would ask a question just to make a long story text post?

    Comments should stay in the comments section for news communities like this. The only exception should be posts with many links/megathreads.

    I’ve also seen users state things in the post body that contradict the article they posted. I think there should be a rule added to stop this practice. If your personal take has merit, it’ll be upvoted in the comments. It’s vain and problematic to put it in the post body IMO.

  • After the losses russia has sustained in Ukraine (equipment, serviceman) I just can’t imagine a war with NATO being feasible. Even if putin initiated a war due to delusions/false beliefs in russian military capability, I feel like they pose about as much of a threat to NATO as north korea…

    NATO would absolutely decimate russia in traditional warfare. I’m not arguing against strengthening boarders, but russia is a joke of ‘military superpower.’ The longer russia wages war with Ukraine, the less of a threat they will be in the future. Their population still hadn’t recovered from their incompetent approach to WWII, and they’ve been repeating their strategy of throwing bodies into the meat grinder with much less success this time around. They’ve stooped to sending their prison population to fight in Ukraine out of desperation…

    The only threat to NATO russia could pose is with chemical and/or nuclear warfare. And even then, I highly doubt even half of their nuclear surplus is even operational. Look at how this war with Ukraine revealed how systemic corruption resulted in russia’s assets/equipment being neglected/never even existing but on paper.

    Actual conflict with NATO is just a pipe dream for russia. In waging war with Ukraine, putin revealed that russia being a “military superpower” is merely a myth. putin is just a self-deluded weak tyrant like his buddy kim, who he’s had to buy weapons from due to diminishing russia’s surplus. And china is just a paper tiger whose military has only been tested thru genocide and fist fights on India’s border.

    Obviously I’m not privy to the intelligence information of NATO allies, but I’m more concerned about stubbing my toe than russia invading NATO countries.

  • I’ve always trained dogs not to bite by firmly saying “Ow! No bite.” They have to learn that we are more delicate than other dogs. It’s also very important to provide them with an alternative.

    So I make a noise like it hurt, say no bite, and then give them a toy immediately after. This promotes what I call ‘substitute biting,’ where I’ll rile one of my dogs up with a little rough housing, and they’ll grab a toy and start chomping down and shaking that while looking at me.

    I fostered a stray who I basically had to train all the puppy phases out of when he was about 1 year old and as big as my wife (GSD mix/mut). Even tho he was starved of human contact, he too learned not to bite with this method. Took longer than most puppies… but when I’d say “Ow! No bite.” he’d stop and look at me trying to figure out what prompted it. If toy substitution didn’t work, I’d stop playing. He learned that if he wanted to play, he couldn’t bite the fragile humans.

    Also worth noting that some dogs (common with GSD for instance) like to engage in a sort of handholding, especially as a puppy. It may seem like they’re wanting to chew on you if you don’t know better, but if they kinda just get your hand in their mouth it could be the ‘handholding.’ I break that habit because it can still scratch and I don’t want someone to claim a dog of mine ‘bit’ them by doing it.

  • I witnessed delta 8 products severely fuck with some of my former clients’ meds and symptoms in a way weed does not. Also, delta 8 products are not regulated.

    The FDA does not regulate delta-8 products, which means that anybody can create products and market them as containing delta-8.

    This makes it tough to figure out whether you’re buying safe products. There’s no way to ensure whether your purchase is legitimate or whether it contains harmful contaminants. Source

    Not trying to tell you what to do, but there’s a common misconception that delta 8 products are safe. Even if delta 8 itself is safe, it doesn’t mean the unregulated products are safe.

    I can’t state strongly enough that it affects symptoms of mental illness and causes med interference on a whole different level than actual cannabis. Especially psychotic symptoms. We thought one client was overdosing on klonopin, but it turned out to solely be an interaction with delta 8. This client periodically smoked/vaped actual weed, and never experienced such a reaction. He was barely conscious, drooling on himself, ass hanging out of his drooping pants, and then collapsed unconscious in the hall. He had no recollection of about a 2 and a half day period.

    This is anecdotal, but I, my team, and the various care facilities I worked with all saw this trend as delta 8 products really took off. And again, it’s unregulated and can contain harmful contaminants. Just a word of caution.

  • This tends to be an unpopular opinion, but I completely agree. I believe it’s unethical to do experiments like this on animals that cannot consent, but have a clear capacity for suffering, including on a conscious level.

    Even lab rats show a capacity for empathy [1], and they will stop pulling a lever to feed themselves if they see the rat in the subsequent cage is electrocuted. [2]

    Monkeys (and other animals) can understand the concept inequality. [3] Inequality is a moral concept, indicating that the animal has a capacity for complex social relationships and understanding.

    Monkeys were taught the concept of currency (in the form of silver discs) and soon after, they unexpectedly developed prostitution on their own. [4]

    Monkeys like this are the primates of lower intelligence, mind you. I’m not even saying I condone these studies even, as I’m not convinced the ends justify the cruel means with which the experiments were conducted.

    I think we should be more respectful of life, rather than subjecting it to such mass exploitation and suffering. I can admit I will value my loved ones over other animals and humans on a selfish level, but when I separate emotion from my reasoning, I don’t believe it is justified for humans to exploit animals as we do for our own gains.

    It’s important to note the extremely unnecessary suffering of frivolous experiments on a widespread scale. One example is the LD 50 (or median lethal dose), in which animals are essentially force-fed a product (cosmetics, cleaners, medicines, etc.) until half of the test subjects die, to determine the lethal dose. [5]

    Much of the time, their death isn’t because of the substance itself; it’s due to the quantity force-fed (stomach/organs rupturing, whatnot). This test is used on clearly nonessential products like cosmetics, and the results are often unreliable. [5]

    I am not interested in debating this subject. I just wanted to share my thoughts. Things to watch out for in objection to animal rights arguments are common fallacies like the appeal to nature, appeal to tradition, and just blatant speciesism.