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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023


  • Does that not hurt you on your taxes/government forms? For instance, for a period of time, my wife was making far less than me and that helped us with our taxes by giving us deductions since our combined income was under a certain threshold. I believe it helps with other things as well.

    Just trying to call you out, just curious because I saw this as a net benefit overall.

  • That comes down to your state. For Instance, in KY, we have closed primaries so you can only vote with the party you have registered. The general election are open, of course, but the intent is to keep people from voting for the best candidate in their party and the worst for the competing parties.

    Every state does it a little different though. Some states like Iowa don’t even have primaries, they have caucuses. That’s you go into a room (typically a school gym) with a bunch of other people and move from side. Being on a certain side counts as a vote. The main drawal to this approach is it encourages people to discuss their thoughts on matters.

    Typically though, Dems will have a primary. Even if all the other candidates drop and Biden is the only option.

    If you’re interested in the Dems, I wouldn’t recommend voting in other parties primaries. In the lead up to Trump vs. Hillary, many democratic analysist hoped that Trump his primaries. Thinking that it would be a slam dunk for Hilary to win. We all saw how that turned out…