May I ask where you live?
May I ask where you live?
I’m in a college town. State College, PA. Yes, it’s affluent enough to make home ownership unattainable for most. Even amongst the non-students in the area, financially independent young women simply don’t exist.
I own a yoga studio downtown and so I must admit that I talk to a fair amount of young women, albeit in a professional setting.
What’s weird about my observation? Do you know many young women who are financially independent?
Why are you upset about it?
State College, PA
I don’t know a single young woman (under 40) who is not financially dependent on a man, despite my wider-than-most social circles.
I’ve got young kids. Waking up early is the best time for me to be productive and enjoy solitude.
Yes. We’ll be ruled by a minority (Christian nationalists) because we think that downvoting on social media is sufficient participation in politics.
But isn’t this just democracy in action? The mandate of the people? If a majority vote for these principles then it must become the law of land.
The fact of the matter is that the fanatical Christians want results more than the left does. While we’re on here, uselessly upvoting and downvoting, they’re organizing their communities to achieve real world results. And except for a few notable characters, they’re playing by the rules of the game.
What part of this illegal?
Y’all think way too much about coffee…
Surely you can’t be serious
How can we be sure that those inferences are correct? Any appeal to empirical evidence would be circular reasoning.
How would you define objective perception? If empiricism is equally problematic for all humans, then what could possibly qualify as objectivity in perception?
I’d love to know how much that percentage fluctuates with seasons, but on a global scale. Does summer in Australia compensate for winter in America, and vice versa, so that the sum is still 40% throughout the year?
If the rationalist deduces what is logical based on their empirical experience then their reasoning is flawed. We have to accept the axiomatic truth that our senses are limited and cannot account for an absolute truth.
To separate valid perceptions from invalid ones, a person first must assume that the world can be known through the senses. They must also assume that the world is objectively real. These assumptions do not get along well with one other. To say the world is objectively real is to say it is independent of and indifferent to sense perception. Then what in the world can we know? We can know only the effects of the parmesan cheese upon our senses, not the cheese itself.
Especially from a Texan newspaper
Modern Mongolia, perhaps. The Golden Horde of Genghis Khan was not so tolerant!