How about I loudly announce whatever the fuck I want.
You fundamentally misunderstand why I used to care and now don’t. I don’t believe in virtue ethics, I don’t even believe in free will.
Before it mattered if they won because it’d (maybe) prevent doom. Now I don’t see a way out. Its consequences that matter and we’re now signed up for the worst consequences regardless.
It sometimes depends on the programmer’s situation. Maybe its “lose a ton of credibility or live on the street/lose your H-1B Visa”
I already wasted 20 years of my life in sacrifice to politics. I want to be done and other than venting about how we’re doomed I more or less am done, thank you.
I hope I’m wrong, and I earnestly wish her luck but I do not owe a population of people who chose Trump a single solitary fucking thing. I’m bitter, exhausted, and my patience is gone.
Sometimes its either ship something broken or lose your job.
Good luck to her.
No you fucking ingrate. Democrats would have lost if they listened to them anyway. The tik tok voters were never going to vote for democrats, that would be against their sense of virtue. Harris fucked up a ton by not distancing herself from conservatives and Biden but even she tried to throw the Palestinian protesters a bone at one point and there wasn’t a singular budge.
The reason the DNC lost is many. The blame for the end of US democracy is easily spread around because there are many people deserving of blame. It doesn’t really matter anymore anyway though does it?
I say this as an autist who used to fucking loathe talking on the phone: Its that the phone takes up too much mental energy and time, yet has a time limit on your own responses. Its hellishly stressful when you are socially incompetent, and now a lot of even non-autistic people are becoming socially incompetent.
Now its funny, I hated phone calls back when everyone liked them. Now I’m pretty OK at them because I worked at a call center for a year and now it seems like everyone now hates phone calls. I kinda recognize that the one nice thing about phone calls is there is no “set up your account before ordering your food” type bullshit. There is a consistency to phone calls.
Its a mistaken desire to not have to actually work to live via turning hobbies into one’s job. The phrase “If you enjoy what you do you’ll never work again in your life” in application.
It doesn’t work.
I am a leftist. I hate the DNC. I hate apolitical dimwits. And I hate virtue voters and protest voters. I canvassed for democrats in a delusional bid to maintain my sanity this election and I will never do that again. I don’t care if the democrats ever “win again” now. It doesn’t matter you imbecile, we’re doomed.
I don’t fathom how you don’t understand this. Its fucking over. Are you not paying attention?
I want a hug.
Emotionally I’m not inclined to place another iota of effort into politics. I feel like I’ve wasted 20 years of my life obsessing over it.
And with that I have zero desire to forgive anyone even slightly responsible for Trump’s victory. I don’t owe anyone shit, I did not choose to be born.
You can be repulsed at the voters & the top democrats at the same time. There is no rule saying you can’t hate them both.
That’s not an honest evaluation of reality. Its both leftwing activists and apolitical schmucks. And FUCK THEM BOTH.
Thanks! I sometimes end up a little verbose but its nice that my inclination to ramble about this stuff is appreciated!
There are groups I’m already a part of, they don’t meet that often though and in both groups I go to they’re kind of not fertile ground for dating. I probably just need to expand a bit but there is a mental barrier to going somewhere new and worrying about being the newbie. New habits are hard to form.
The situation at my work place is messy for a number of reasons. Its a very small non-profit and there is even some ambiguity over if one woman I’m into and whether she is a “boss” or just an assistant to the real boss. Obviously if she has any real authority trying to date her is a massive no no but its not explicitly clear. And I mean, that’s kind of frustrating just on the work side of things too if I’m honest.
Breaking it down, the ‘no’ comes basically from “Free will doesn’t exist so no one can justly be punished and violence just causes pain and a cycle of more violence”
The ‘yes’ comes from "We’re all dead one day anyway and it is intrinsically pleasurable to harm/kill people who have wronged me, my loved ones, or any innocent people. "
The latter is actually a more unethical embrace of pleasure.
On a broader scale though I’m against both the death penalty and revenge/vigilante killing, but I actually think the latter is comparatively less unethical in a vacuum. At least in the case of revenge/vigilante killing someone is getting something out of it.
We Millenials consumed Gen X made media and Gen Xer’s pop cultural was very “Its fun to be cruel to weaklings and weirdos, be against consumerist modern life dweebs, and swear in front of old ladies. We’re so punk.”
Gen X 90’s culture being all about being a renegade nihilistic slacker as a reaction to the 80’s culture which was a lot more colorful, consumerist, and earnest at an almost saccharine level, even when it was trying to “rebel”.
EDIT: To clarify, Millenials consumed edgelord stuff from Gen X, and homophobia was edgey.
This is why you run stuff locally or not at all.
I’m not, I’m just angry and bitter and venting. Its not rational its seeking catharsis from lashing out.