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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • We urge President Biden and Congress to work for a ceasefire, the release of the hostages, and a diplomatic solution that guarantees equality, justice, and a thriving future for all.

    Sure, but this is delusional. Palestinians didn’t have equality, justice, and a thriving future before Hamas’ attacks on October 7th and there’s no way in hell Israel is going to allow any path to that in response to October 7th. The suggested path is:

    Step 1: Hamas launches thousands of missiles and a brutal invasion where they slaughter over a thousand Israelis; filming, reveling in, and justifying the attacks
    Step 2: ???
    Step 3: Equality, justice, and a thriving future for Palestinians

    There’s nothing that can happen at step 2 to make that an acceptable process for Israel; they are not going allow the message to be sent that the way to get exactly what you want from Israel is to first slaughter hundreds of Israeli citizens.

    It’s a nice outcome to wish for, but it’s not going to happen as a result of terrorism.

  • As the university presidents were trying to explain to Clown Shoes, sorry, I mean Elise Stefanik: Harassment is conduct that is severe or pervasive enough to create an environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive. A one-time generalized statement calling for genocide not targeted at a specific individual would not usually rise to the level of harassment per se, but can certainly be part of a pattern of harassment. Similarly, actual bullying is a pattern of abusive behavior and cannot be defined by any single act as it is often used colloquially.

    That’s the game Stefanik is playing: She knows these universities’ policies are bound by the actual, legal definitions of “harassment” and “bullying” but she’s counting on her ignorant audience not knowing those definitions and instead thinking the words are defined as what they use them for in their own lives: someone being mean.

  • Stupid headline. Literally everyone who reads it is going to think the gold bars in Menendez’ possession were stolen property, but they’re not and that’s not the point of the story at all.

    TL;DR: In 2013 thieves stole 22 gold bars from the guy that bribed Menendez. Because he’s rich, the cops actually solved the crime and returned the property and, here’s the actual important bit: Fred Daibes, the guy that bribed Menendez, signed a release form specifying that the stamped, numbered gold bars were his. Now Menendez has some of them and that provenance makes it a lot easier to show where he got them.

  • That is an impressive selective reading of the article. One could be left to wonder how, in good faith, you could have possibly missed all of this:

    Durbin went straight to their votes, saying senators already had two chances to debate their nominations.

    “I understand what you’d like to do, but I’m saying, in fairness, we’ve debated these nominees twice,” Durbin said. “I ask the clerk to call the roll.”

    Through all this, Durbin sat expressionless, waiting for breaks in the attacks to quietly direct the clerk to continue the roll call. He periodically reminded Republicans that they’d already had two chances to debate both nominees in two separate hearings.

    This is the third time they were brought up,” he added of the two nominees at the center of Thursday’s hearing. “That’s the reason the ruling was made by the chair.”

    A committee spokesperson noted that Kennedy spoke on Kasubhai in a Nov. 2 hearing and again in a Nov. 19 hearing, for a total of 12 minutes.

    Graham spoke on both nominees in the Nov. 2 hearing, for about two minutes, too. And Cotton spoke on Kasubhai in the Nov. 9 hearing for about six minutes.