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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Your right, but I think there is something there. I was watching a girl gamer/streamer (whatever you call them) give an entire talk about how she is against feminists or someshit, and the 4chan crowd were spamming the link and calling her based - so I decided to check it out and it was her complaining about getting drafted, being a triggered armpit hair snowflake, some other dumb shit - really fucking idiotic stuff. (Her name was Brittany venti and something about feminism ruining her life for the curious).

    If I didn’t know any better, it looks to me to be the alt-right and by proxy, conservative strategists, trying to find the latest wedge issue to attack women and women friendly causes - flinging shit around and seeing what sticks

    In my circles of friends, I’ve been hearing girls make dumb comments about feminism as well, so there is something bubbling under the surface. None of them can articulate anything though

  • Michael Burry (guy from the big short) has been doing the same. We all know climate change is going to fuck us, we all know we are headed towards serious water shortages, etc - these guys also know and have money to position themselves - for what final gameplan I don’t know, but at least with Gates his recent history has shown a care for the greater good for humanity at least. Can’t say the same for other billionaires.

    I know Bills history pretty well, I just see a difference between him now and how he was a ruthless businessman in his prior life. Maybe he has me fooled, but I don’t really see it other than people’s conspiracy theory stuff. Guys like Elon are another story though

  • Help me understand something - how exactly does US interests benefit from Israel? We have a relationship with the Saudi’s (honestly I don’t know what’s worse), we buy tons of oil (we make tons of oil too), and they all know we will absolutely resort to bullying and violence if need be, so what exactly is the benefit? Fighting off poor freedom fighter Arabs?

    I’m trying to figure out if it isn’t all just part of the Christian death cult or if there actually is some sort of strategic benefit. We have plenty of bases all over the middle east (I don’t actually know anyone stationed in Israel or have ever heard such a thing, unless it’s some black site which i assume exists)

  • They will blame some scapegoat for not doing enough or they will blame some scapegoat for doing it on purpose, they will never look at themselves and see the issue is them - same playbook we just watched happen.

    And I guess we will just sit back and watch it happen, again. What is there to do? Try to teach these people science? Explain to them nicely herd immunity? They will never ever listen because that’s just who they are, conspiracy dumb dumb conservatives who think they know better because they looked into it i.e. some grifter on TV told them so.

    Now the obvious solution might be to have the grifters in right wing media actually tell the truth about the matter, but this entire episode was already made political and we will be stuck with the fallout for probably generations.

  • I ask because the republicans viewed her as a threat from the time she was first lady (she wanted universal healthcare - which she almost got, but the rightwing defeated her by talking about a republican vision/plan for an individual mandate, which was basically obamacare, she talked about women’s rights, she was pulling her husband to the left on some issues, etc). They knew she had the type of balls to run for president and the Hillary hate propaganda machine has been running strong for over 20+ years, because they were scared she would win. That’s why I’m wondering what got you to hate her - what tactic of their hate machine do you think worked on you?

    Edit - and I hope you understand conservatives would destroy the internet as it is, and they have been trying