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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • The incidents on the border mission that led to troops dying have varied. Some of the soldier deaths reported include one who died from a medical emergency at a hotel where troops were staying in McAllen, and another who was accidentally shot in Fort Clark Springs. Two other soldiers died in a traffic accident in Laredo — one in the accident and the other by suicide in the minutes after the crash. At least four additional soldiers have died by suicide while assigned to the border.

    • the Sergeant who drowned trying to save people in the Rio Grande

    This article is a ride and it makes this national guard deployment look even worse.

  • “Overall, we rate Mondoweiss as Left Biased and Questionable due to the blending of opinion with news, the promotion of pro-Palestinian and anti-zionist propaganda, occasional reliance on poor sources, and hate group designation by third-party pro-Israel advocates. (D. Van Zandt 3/4/2017) Updated (12/07/2023)“

    Gonna be honest here, kinda disappointed in mediabiasfactcheck for using the “hate group designation by third-party pro-Israel advocates“ as a measure of credibility while also stating they don’t fact check this source. Brings down my view of them which sucks cause I liked them.

    I appreciate Darkthoughts for linking the credibility measure for discussion though. More posts need that.

  • Confirmation being another credible source reporting on this story. I’m finding many sources with “Hamas claims Israel killed 3 hostages in bombing” from a week ago, but no follow ups.

    I don’t think it’s controversial to say Israel likely killed 3 hostages with their bombing, but this Gray Zone article points out that the abductee had a video from captivity about his wife and children dying, which is just excellent Hamas propaganda true or not.

    I’d expect at least other anti-Israeli sources like Al-jazeera to be reporting on this story as well, but when I just checked it didnt(?).

    It also quotes random sources like an Israeli tv producer? I’ve read Fox News propaganda pieces very similar to this quoting a lot of secondary sources so I’m skeptical atm.

  • If you don’t have a lot to fear from a right-wing dictatorship I guess all you can do is vote against it.

    If you’re someone who does have something to fear from a right-wing dictatorship, begin thinking about preparations to hide, run, fight etc. because unsurprisingly every right-wing dictatorship has a high body count.

    Still hoping common sense wins out, and unlike a lot of other countries that went dictatorship the military doesn’t have the same relative power and authority, but it’s best to have some plans for the problems that could occur.