It’s funny because it’s true.
It’s funny because it’s true.
It’s been used that way in common parlance for as long as I can remember.
Do I need sources for the failed invasion of Kyiv?
Everyone knows about it.
It’s primarily the accessibility, yes.
While I support assisted suicide being an option, it should have requirements including a wait period.
No one is suggesting a Futurama style suicide booth on the side of the road my man.
To what end are we bringing it up though?
Is there a point, or is the only point to degrade the actor in some way?
I feel this is one of those situations where I can say ‘You aren’t wrong, but you’re an asshole’ if you are bringing it up without a greater reason.
I don’t think the dude would be ragged on for taking advantage of the opportunity afforded to him.
The irony of the whole Azov thing is a majority of their members are ex Russians who moved to East Ukraine because Russia wasn’t being Nazi enough for them.
Florida here checking in.
Our government is hard at work on this.
Check out this pending bill up for vote during the next session: https://m.flsenate.gov/session/bill/2024/599/billtext/filed/pdf https://m.flsenate.gov/session/bill/2024/599/billtext/filed/pdf
Essentially it makes it illegal to be transgender and have a job in government or government adjacent.
Here is an excert: It is the policy of the state that a person’s sex is an immutable biological trait and that it is false to ascribe to a person a pronoun that does not correspond to such person’s sex. This section does not apply to individuals born with a genetically or biochemically verifiable disorder of sex development, including, but not limited to, XX disorder of sex development; XY disorder of sex development; sex chromosome disorder of sex development; XX or XY sex reversal; and ovotesticular disorder.
An employee or a contractor may not be required, as a condition of employment, to refer to another person using that person’s preferred personal title or pronouns if such personal title or pronouns do not correspond to that person’s sex.
An employee or a contractor may not provide to an employer his or her preferred personal title or pronouns if such preferred personal title or pronouns do not correspond to his or her sex.
An employee or a contractor may not be asked by an employer to provide his or her preferred personal title or pronouns or be penalized or subjected to adverse personnel action for not providing his or her preferred personal title or pronouns.
It continues on about not being able to fire people for thinking being gay is a sin and so on, but I don’t want this to be a novel.
Apparently I’ve been listening to the new Gunship album too much, said I was in the top 1% of Gunship listeners.
I think the feature is cool and I’m looking forward to it personally.
Maybe they should have made it opt in, but social features like this on other platforms like discord and stream aren’t, so … eh.
Some of it stems from religious zealotry (marriage is sacred and permanent).
Some of it is a misguided attempt at rectify the ‘single parent’ problem, believing that two unhappy parents is better than one parent divorced.
Essentially if you make divorce harder, more couples will be forced to work through their disagreements and reconcile.
It’s just so hard to see where we transition from here.
We went from a resource economy to a manufacturing economy to a service economy… And now many services are being automated. So what’s next?
I’m in favor of the automation but recognize it’s going to cause pain in the near future.
I’ve seen people tout a ‘creative based economy’, but to be honest LLMs and GANs seen poised to grab that sector before anyone in service can transition to it.
You’d hope all of this would mean an easier life, but so long as capitalism is the name of the game there is zero incentive to spread the benefits among all.
How are they not?
‘the allies did worse than the Holocaust’ is certainly a hot take.
… That is generally how it works where I live, yes.
Police causalities caused by actions intended to stop a felony are charged to the felon and they are held responsible.
Not that I fully agree with the unscrutinized part but your analogy isn’t the best.
But cheeseburgers are Delicious.
It’s cheaper to out source it this way because as their farmers are contractors they don’t have to adhere to the legal responsibilities they would if they ran them in their own.
They can keep their contracted farmers in debt to them indefinitely and essentially have a class of indentured servants.
It’s Louisiana, they would go back to 1800 if they could.
Don’t tell this guy about how often Congress devolved into fist fights, cane beatings and duels during our countries early years.
My trick is melatonin and PBS YouTube videos, audio only. Ones I’ve seen before.
The audio is enough to keep my mind from running on it’s own and eventually the melatonin kicks in to take it down while it’s distracted by dinosaurs or whatever.
Melatonin on it’s own will just make me suffer being tired but not able to rest my mind enough to fall asleep.
Listening to something interesting like an audiobook will do the same.
It needs to be something that will catch my attention but also not be something I really want to hear more of.
Music doesn’t keep my mind from wandering like speech does.