Kobolds with a keyboard.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • The one that I remember best was restricting eating food outside of the cafeteria. Previously it had been allowed to eat outside (the school had a patio area out where kids would wait for the busses, right outside the cafeteria), but there’d been issues with people leaving trash and things out there. The options on the ballot as I remember them were to continue to allow it with no change, to allow it but to implement strict punishments for anyone caught leaving trash around, or to just ban it entirely, and surprisingly ‘Ban it’ ended up winning, but it was really close. There was a group of students really pushing hard for that; they made posters with pictures of garbage and whatnot outside on the patio area and posted them all around, and got enough support to make it happen.

    The student council got to decide the items that went on the ballot and the choices (probably with some faculty pressure for certain things, I imagine), so it was all student-led initiatives, which was neat.

  • Where I grew up, the schools all the way down to elementary school would hold votes to decide some school policies. Things like dress codes and rules governing hallway use, minor stuff, but stuff students care about and that affected us on a daily basis, and whatever won the vote became policy for that semester. We had lines and ballots and everything… The schools were the local voting places, so they had the official voting booths and everything from real elections. Was a great introduction to the process. We’d even get students canvassing in favor of certain policies beforehand if there was something particularly controversial on the ballot.

  • It’s a fine take and I mean, I’d love to have the option to vote for that alternative, but realistically right now, none of us do. No matter which side of the aisle you’re on, if you abandon the side you’d normally vote for to vote third party, you’re only helping your own personal worst case scenario.

    Really, all of these third party… parties should be focusing more on pushing for an alternate voting system. I know they say we should get away from two-party politics, but I rarely see any actual action taken to try and accomplish that. Ranked-choice was on the ballot 4 years ago in MA, but didn’t pass, and if these third parties had poured their campaign budget into getting it passed, they’d be getting my vote in November. As it stands, they won’t be. Their policies, frankly, don’t matter, because we can’t vote for them, as much as we’d like to, without voting against our own self-interests and really, those of the entire country.

  • Her hair looks so nice, I’d have a hard time not wanting to touch it, even knowing it’s venomous poisonous. Maybe rather than a stone gaze, her gaze inflicts a variant of Command, compelling you to touch her hair. I’ve been afflicted. Additionally: Maybe she can’t control it, and she hates that about herself; she can never form meaningful relationships without inadvertently poisoning everyone she grows attached to. She’s a sympathetic character and the adventure revolves around trying to find a way to lift her curse without falling victim to it yourselves.

  • Simmons (the woman who murdered the guy) was not the one he had the relationship with. Her trauma (as described in the article) was that she believed her stepfather (whom she stabbed 5 years ago) abused her daughter. As far as the article covers, she had no involvement with the guy she shot and dismembered at all. He had a warrant for failing to register as a sex offender; Simmons apparently saw that and, because of her “disdain for pedophiles”, murdered him.

    Whatever your feelings on the guy, we simply can’t condone extrajudicial killings. I know it feels good sometimes to think “Yeah, that guy deserved it!”, and in some cases, maybe they do, but it doesn’t matter - it’s still vigilantism.

    In this case, it seems that she’s just a violent woman. If I’m reading it right, she stabbed one person, and murdered two (three separate unrelated incidents) so she deserves the life sentence she got, however you slice it.