Napoleon always rebukes me or whatever the hell it is when they basically just announce to the world they don’t like you, the moment I meet him every single time. Like what the fuck dude? Is it because I’m tall or because I am not French?
I’m just a weird, furry, pan guy (cis he/him). I also have a big, blue username.
Currently on Earth for 8 years ensuring steps to unite humanity and usher us into the galactic civilization just so I can see my boyfriend again.
Napoleon always rebukes me or whatever the hell it is when they basically just announce to the world they don’t like you, the moment I meet him every single time. Like what the fuck dude? Is it because I’m tall or because I am not French?
I have a weed grinder in my wallet. It’s one of those card-sized, flat, cheese-grater ones.
Planets are also being created all the time. They didn’t just all form at once.
Excellent on toast!
But then “dickhead” would go from just a mild general insult to a perjorative term.
They were already too goofy to be taken as a serious enemy. They were meant to be the big bad instead of the Borg, originally.
Both are pretty easy to use, imo. But a gun is way easier to actually hit what you’re aiming at with.
Scuba gear.
I knew a guy who went to shows and when he was at home, and went to blow his nose he didn’t use tissues, or his sleeves. He didn’t use napkins or any of these. He used magazines.
I agree; my regret comes from the fact they just killed the game instead of fixing the problems that would have made it even more fun.
Make all Nazis wear purity rings as a promise not to commit genocide.
I pre-ordered Brink.
“He was a lucky Hobbit’s Foot.”
Why can’t we have both? I want a bigger phone. Bigger than what I have now, and many people would consider this to be a fairly large phone.
But I don’t want to stop people who want smaller phones from having those, too.
I’ll send you a picture of my hand.
“Just 5 fingers. And they’re all of normal proportions.”
Practically nothing, realistically, in every day conversation. The only difference that might exist is that a person could be attracted to men, and women but not any other gender. Like maybe they don’t like non-binary, gender fluid or genderless folk. I used to say I was Bi, but I use Pan now just because I 100% don’t care about gender; everyone is sexy.
I only know two languages:
Bad English
That’s because it isn’t actually AI.
Skully finally noticed the ghost in the machine and decided to do what Mulder couldn’t.