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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The issue in my eyes, and my number one complaint with this massive E.V. push (for many years now) is the insane environmental impact of lithium mining and the very short termed planning of just going hard on batteries (without spending more time and money on better battery tech [Toyota actually has that new solid state battery I’m very hopeful for, and we’ve been working on polymer batteries for decades]) we will waste a very precious earth material we WILL NEED in the future, and you never ever hear any of the politicians or CEOs talk about how dirty lithium mining and processing is because almost all of it happens outside the countries leading this push (thus, not their problem).

    Not saying we shouldn’t be moving away from ICE, it’s that I feel our current approach is incredibly short sighted, and will have far reaching impacts into future generations and I feel as though we may even cause more damage than help in our current approach

  • Honestly (this is cliche as fuck) but keep at it. I think the contract positions I took helped me build a slightly stronger resume than just having worked highschool/college jobs, even though they were not directly in my intended field. I am a chemical engineer by education, and worked 2 contract jobs in “Product safety & Regulatory Compliance” (which I hated btw). I was afraid that it would essentially lock me into a field that I really had no interest in. This was not the case I discovered. I now have a job as a process engineer in a steel mill and absolutely love everything that I do. IIRC when they contacted me for the interview for this job, I straight up had forgotten I had applied because I had sent so many out. I believe I had applied multiple months prior before they ever even reached out. With how tight the labor market is currently (in the U.S.) I am seeing a lot of places have more legitimate “entry level” requirements. For example, my mill dropped its “prior industrial site experience” requirement

  • ENTRY LEVEL POSITION [Insert job title]


    • 10+ Years in a similar environment
    • 2+ Years of management experience


    You apply and literally never get any form of anything back besides a confirmation email “thanks”. That was the absolute most annoying, demoralizing shit when I was searching for a job post school. I tumbled around 2 contract positions and finally have landed somewhere that I love, but fuck me was it hard on me mentally to keep farming out applications for basically a year, and hear back (I dont care if its a no, i just want some form of an answer!) less than 2% of the time