Sadly I don’t think that’s ever going to happen. The unfortunate reality is that both forms of extremism tend to slowly pull at people from the center over time. Even if we got a group of moderates around someone would get mad and get pushed one way or another more. And thus the cycle repeats.
It’s the classic “what radicalized you” meme. All of us are extremists in one way or another. We just haven’t had something push us over the edge yet.
I got sorta yelled at on here for “only attacking the left” and I was like… I can’t attack people who aren’t around now can I?
I have seen like one or two "right"comments in the sea of lefty circle jerkin that’s permeated this entire site. It really is as abundant as oxygen around these parts.
I’m still gonna stick around and attempt to engage in meaningful discussions from time to time, but I have already had comments deleted and been banned from subs for saying very normal and accurate things. Now I’m not surprised that I was banned from the Vegan sub instantly, but still. The mod abuse and censorship here seems even worse than reddit which is honestly kinda impressive.
I know enough to drive my car into Google headquarters soon.
For legal reasons that is a joke and I have no intentions of driving my vehicle into the Google buildings.
When I said “handful” I more so meant in all of language yeah there are probably hundreds of words for the empty space between certain things, but in all of human language that’s probably a pretty small number.
I would argue it’s worse than reddit in terms of the average political leanings of users. I have seen overwhelmingly far far left users around here. The few reasonable moderates I’ve seen are getting downvoted for incredibly normal comments. Then I recently found the conservative sub and that place is just a mess. Even in their own space all the posts and comments are downvoted.
I am genuinely concerned for these people. Shutting everyone down and running away from people you disagree with doesn’t make them magically disappear. It’s just creates more division and less understanding at every turn.
It’s not even just a problem here though. Even in my own family the far left thinking and shutting out all who even slightly disagree leads to problems. I tried to warn them that Trump was probably going to win and they didn’t believe me. Being in California and surrounded by deeply blue/left people 24/7gives you a warped sense or reality. The bubble is so big around here that many people don’t even realize they are in a bubble.
Here. Everywhere. The whole damn planet is in desperate need of better mental health support.
I don’t feel superior to either side inherently. I’m just sitting here in the middle seeing how absolutely brain rotten both sides can be.
Neither side can apparently see how fucking insane they sound because they both think they are objectively correct about absolutely everything at all times.
I’m not sitting here going “you’re both wrong” I’m sitting here going “will both of you please shut up and listen to the other side once in a blue moon for the love of God”.
I’m not even an “enlightened centrist”. I actually lean left, but because I’m not “left enough” I get downvoted for daring to call some of these delusional fucks out on their bullshit.
I don’t want to know much much time I have “wasted” in my life trying to do something faster and ultimately fucking it up lol
I like your style.
And here I was just taking my crembule torch and some pliers holding onto both ends then cleaning up the bulge of melted plastic with a razer blade lol
You method seems far “cleaner” but I’m lazy and I’ll probably just keep doing my jank method. Still cool tho.
Meanwhile moderates on both sides think all of you need to desperately touch some fuckin grass.
Seriously I am very worried about the mental health of like 97% of the people on here.
I mean we have lots of words for varying degrees and styles of “nothing”.
A chasm is the empty space between two chunks of the earths crust.
A void is just an empty space well… Void of all things.
An interval is just the time between two events. Technically it’s nothing.
Still a good shower thought. There aren’t a ton of words dedicated to the same phenomenon, but we have a handful.
While we are talking about shit that Google pulls that drives us crazy can we talk about the pop-up asking me if I know about driving mode EVERY SINGLE TIME I LAUNCH MAPS FROM MY CAR.
I fuckin know about it Google. I have said yes every single goddamn time. Stop fuckin asking me.
Except for black cats…
Cause they are spooky.
Just make sure she doesn’t chill so hard she accidentally ends up in Poland without permission.
Common sense/critical thinking 101.
It is utterly baffling watching some people just bumble through life completely clueless.
I have lost track of the number of adults who have no clue how do their taxes. They either have their parents do them or they pay someone to do them for themselves. I consider myself basically financially retarded, but I still learned the bare minimum to be able to do my own goddamn taxes.
People don’t know the bare minimum about their vehicles and it ends up costing them thousands.
People are oblivious to their surroundings and never prepared for anything even slightly.
People just do things without a single thought towards the potential consequences of their actions.
Hey I’m new here. What do you mean by change instance? Like I see the different subs/communities or what y’all call em, but I’ve just been scrolling through the “everything” tab or whatever it’s called.
I followed some of my interests but generally I just sort by top in the past hour and scroll away.
That’s the best part. It kinda works either way.
This is the answer. You don’t need to become fluent or learn to read it. Just conversational so you can at least partially participate in conversations around them.